You Should've Kept Quiet

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Addy POV
"I think you should tell your mom the truth" Beth said.
"I can't do that" I proclaimed.
"Your mom's a cop Addy! You can't just lie. What if she takes the blood for testing and find out it belongs to Sarge Will? She'll arrest you!. Daughter or not you'll be a suspect" she said.
       I sat down and thought about all of this.
"If you get arrested you think your precious Colette French is going to have your back?" She asked.
I knew then that she was right and I now knew what I had to do.
Classes ended and it was now time for practice. As I was walking to the gym I felt someone pull me into an office. I realized it was coach. She pushed me inside and closed the door.
  "Why have you been ignoring me all day. I told you we needed to talk". She said.
      Before she finished talking I said. "My mom found the trash bag you gave me that night and I'm going to tell her the truth".
"YOU KEPT THE BAG?!" She yelled. "Addy that bag is potential evident why would you not throw it away or burn it even!" She continued to whisper yell at me. "WAIT! What do you mean you plan to tell her the truth? You can't do that" she grabbed my hand and said.
       "I can and I will" I said as I walked pass her to go to practice.
There stood Colette wondering what she should do. She texted Matt "we have a problem, come to my office".
Few minutes pass and Matt entered her office and sits down. "Addy plans on telling her mom about that night" she said to Matt.
"What do you suggest we do?" She asked.
"Leave it to me" he said as he walked out her office.
Addy POV
Practice ended early because coach never showed. I hitched a ride with Beth and went up to my door. The door was opened but my mom's car wasn't in the driveway. "Maybe she was in a hurry and didn't close it properly" I thought.
I went inside and as I was about to go up to my room, someone grabbed me from behind and everything went black.

Beth POV
I turned back on my way to Addy's house because I realized she left her shoes in my car. As I was about to pull up I saw someone in a black hoodie dragging her into a car. I got out my Jeep and shouted at them. The person slightly turned and I only saw it was a guy before he jumped into a SUV and speeded off. I got back in my Jeep and drove after the SUV. I followed the van before I lost it. I parked on the side of the road and started to panic. I just saw my best friend get taken.
I decided to call her mom, she might know what to do. "Hello! Ms Hanlon? I..I.. I just saw Addy get kidnap at her house" I stuttered as more panic kicked in.
She told me to come meet her at the station so she could figure out what happened. So I drove to the station and got inside to see her.
"Beth! What exactly happened with Addy?" She asked sounding frantic.
"I dropped her off at home and left, but I went back there because she left her shoes in my car. When I got close I saw this guy in a black hoodie dragging her to a SUV. I yelled at him and he speeded off. I followed him as best as I could but lost him. After that I pulled over and called you" I told her everything that happened.

Dare Me (Beth and Addy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt