Behjzl~ fakers part 2

Start from the beginning

hi baby, just checking you are ok, I heard about your black eye babe, im sorry for what I did. it was selfish and horrible, and you felt like crap all because of me. I hope you are ok baby boy xx

to: daddyxxx

from: babyboyxxx

im fine. its too late for apologies Ethan, im done. you hurt me and made me feel like crap. you made the other boys lose faith in me so we're over and im leaving the group. and dont try to persuade me to stay because I made my mind up earlier . ill stay until I get better but thats it. when im better, im leaving and you'll never see me again

read 14:33

I cant believe he's left me. "paul, you were right. he's left me and its all my fault. hes left me and the group." I sobbed into harry's top while he just sat there looking helpless. "paul pull over" I said after I finished crying "no we need to get to the next interview!" "PAUL PULL OVER! IM GONNA BE SICK!!!!" "after yesterday Ethan, I dont think we will believe that do you?" to which I responded by throwing up all over the van"OH MY GOD PAUL PULL OVER NOW!!!!" Simon screamed "what now Simon. hes not really ill he just wants attention." "TELL THAT TO THE PUKE ALL OVER THE FLOOR" "oh shit!!! ok Ethan im taking you home. and you guys, we cant do the interview if its just you four"

~time skip to at home~


Tobi was asleep on the couch, he hasn't thrown up in 2 hours so thats a good thing, he asked me to respond to Ethan's text on his phone saying something to start off our "breakup prank" I heard the door open, and paul walked in.he was in on the prank of the breakup and leaving the group so he winked and mouthed at me to wake Tobi up and tell him to "kiss" me. I got down beside him, lightly shook him awake and whispered "Tobi the boys are back. paul wants us to pretend to kiss so that Ethan gets more upset when he walks in. so thats what we did. we started "kissing" as Ethan, Vik, Simon, JJ and Harry walked in. we stopped "kissing" when we heard Ethan scream and JJ say "OHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYYYYYY GGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!"

then Ethan stormed to his room and JJ followed. "I should probably go tell Ethan it was a prank" Tobi said and I just replied with "we both should"


I tried to open Ethan's bedroom door but he locked it. "wait where's JJ? Ethan would have locked the door before JJ got here." I said, followed by "Ethan! Im breaking this door down right now!!!" so I kicked the door down to see Ethan and JJ on the bed kissing and grinding on each other. "it was all a fucking prank! I aint leaving the group and I didn't actually break up with you and Josh and I were not kissing!" I screamed and ran out to my bedroom leaving Ethan and JJ looking disappointed in themselves. I locked my door and ran straight to my bathroom and found my new best friend for the next few weeks. I sat at my bathroom door and held the blade to my arms. I added pressure, and I sliced and sliced until there was no room left on my arms to cut. then there was a knock at my door followed by Josh's and paul's voice. I quickly shoved a long sleeved shirt on which was stupidly, white. I only wanted Josh so I asked paul to stay downstairs and wait. I let Josh in and he asked me how I was after seeing Ethan cheat on me. I didn't want to tell so I just sat there and then Josh, knowing my history, said "Tobi...have you..."and before I could answer he looked down at my sleeves, which were once white but are now red, and his suspicions were confirmed.


I asked Tobi how he was feeling after what he saw, and he didn't answer. knowing his history, I asked him "Tobi... have you..." and he still didn't speak. I looked down and saw his once white sleeves a deep red colour. "PAULLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, after seeing niall go pale and shaky, looking like he was about to pass out. paul came running in and immediately knew what had happened. "Josh go call an ambulance, and tell the others Tobi is going to the hospital. dont tell them why, and tell them not to come to the hospital"


I was panicking. Tobi was the closest thing I had to a son. he was special, he needed an extra eye kept on him at all times and the one time I take my eye away, this happens. after last time, when he tried to take his own life, he promised me he would never do something like it ever again. all the boys are like a son to me but mostly Tobi. he needs more protection than the rest. I couldn't help but think it was my fault. it felt like forever until the ambulance got here but it was only 5 minutes. "Josh you go with Tobi, i'll follow behind" "theres room for two in here if you both want to go?" so I got in with them both and waited for ages. we got to the hospital, and to my surprise the others were at the door waiting for us. I looked at Josh to see if he knew why they were here, to be met by a look of anger. before I could stop him, he ran over to Ethan and started repeatedly hitting him. I ran over and pulled Josh away from him, to be met with an angry JJ, attacking Josh because it was "Tobi's fault for kissing Josh thats why Ethan kissed him" and then what happened next shook me to the core. JJ pulled out a knife and stabbed Josh.not once, but three times. then he stopped and broke down crying. Josh fell to the floor, struggling to stay awake.. I shouted "can we get some help over here! hes been stabbed!"


I fell to the floor. I was trying to stay awake but I slipped into unconsciousness. when I woke up, I looked around and I didn't know where I was. I saw Paul, Ethan who was asleep in his chair, Harry, Simon and Vik all sitting in a chair waiting for me to wake up and Tobi in a hospital bed, asleep. wait wheres JJ? why am I here? what happened? "Josh you're awake!!" Vik spoke "what happened? why am I here" then I remembered. "Tobi!! is Tobi ok? where's JJ?" "Josh calm down JJ is talking to the police about what he did to you." Simon answered "what he did to me? what do you mean. what did he do to me". "he stabbed you Josh. three times" "why! hes going to get arrested. he cant get arrested! this wouldn't be a group if JJ was in prison! tell the police that he didn't mean to stab me, that I gave him the knife and forced him to do it. I know I didn't, but he didn't mean to do it so I need to get him out of trouble! and how is Tobi?" "he's fine Josh, his cuts were infected so he had to have them cleaned but hes going to live" Harry said "why is Louis asleep?" "he had to be sedated. he was in a real state when you were bought in" Paul responded


I woke up to paul saying "he had to be sedated. he was in a real state when you were bought in" I said "where am I? why is Ethan sedated and why was he in a state when Josh was bought in. bought in where? wait.. am I in a hospital?" "yes Tobi you are in hospital. he was sedated because after you were bought in with infected cuts, which im going to talk to you about later, Josh went and hit Ethan because of it, then JJ stabbed Josh three times" then the nurse came in. "Tobi can go home as soon as the other lad who we sedated wakes up. and Josh can go too. Josh will be on bedrest for three months while he heals, Tobi will be taking it easy and his cuts will have to be cleaned every day and he will have to come back and see me three times a fortnight for 8 weeks to make sure his infection clears up. ahah. Mr Payne is awake now. you can go home. also, paul, I would like Tobi to come and speak to his councillor twice a week after last time" with that the nurse walked out. "what councillor? why does Tobi have to come back 3 times a fortnight to make sure his infections are healing? what infections? what happened last time?" Ethan said


"first question" paul answered "Tobi has to see a councillor because he tried to take his life 3 years ago when you first cheated on him, then when you cheated on him today, he cut his arms which got infected. he almost died Ethan, again because of you. and because of JJ, Josh nearly died too." my heart broke after hearing what paul told me. he's right. I nearly killed Tobi by breaking his heart, I broke Josh's heart by cheating on his best friend with his crush. and now Tobi wont want to be with me for real this time.

"by the way Ethan I mean it this time, we really are finished. and you know the worst part? I spent £10000 on an engagement ring for someone who broke my heart" and with that, he started walking to the van that the rest of us drove here in while paul carried Josh who had to have physio sessions to help him walk again as JJ stabbed him in a place that affected his walking. but it was garuanteed that he would walk again so I walked behind, holding back as I see JJ go to Josh and apologise for what he did to him as he very nearly killed one of our pretty much brothers

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