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6 years later..


I never thought this day would come.

After six years, I can finally go back to the place I call home.

I can see Kylie again, all my friends and family. Aubree and Hannah moved back three years ago once they finished college.

I finished college two years ago, but I decided to stay longer. In Canada, we don't really have 'beaches' so I wanted to experience it while it lasted.

Now, I'm driving back to the little small town I call come.

Only one thing I'm not excited about..

Seeing.. him.

Me and Mateo broke up about four years ago. He said it wasn't working out, that he couldn't handle me being so far. I understood that and accepted it, but my heart was shattered. He's the only person I ever loved.

The only person I will ever love..

Now, I'm not sure if he even remembers me, or loves me for that matter.

Kylie said that he doesn't know that I'm coming back into town, that I should surprise him myself. I agreed because I was excited, but now, the pit in my stomach is full of anxiety.

After a few minutes, I pull onto a road and straight into town. I smile at the tree that's leaves are slowly falling. My smile falls when I pull into the Italian restaurant called 'Mateo's Den' on the front of it.

I park my car and slide down in my seat. Not a lot of people at here, which is good but also bad. I finally open the car and walk up to the front door. I open it and step into the restaurant. The smell of pizza immediately hits me and for some reason, it makes me smile.

My smile turns into a shocked, hurt expression quickly after.

There he is..

The love of my life..

With another guy.



They're holding hands and smiling while cooking in the back. My chest starts to hurt and I even look down to check and see if someone shot me.


Just casual heartbreak.

I don't know whether to believe it or not, but it's happening and I don't like it. Real or fake.

I run past an elderly couple and quickly apologize, then out the door and into the parking lot. I keep running to my car and jump in quickly, starting it and pulling out. I try to hold back my tears as I make my way to my parents house.

I pull in and see Logan's motorcycle, Kylie's Nissan Rogue, another car, and my parents car. I park and get out, leaving all my stuff and walking to the front door. I knock on it and look down at the ground while waiting for someone to answer.

"Brooks! I missed you so muc—" I crash in to my dads arms, gripping the back off his shirt and cry into his chest.

"You know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out!? For the love of your life to leave!? It hurts!! So fucking badly!! I just want it to end!! I fucking hate everything!! I wish I was dead! I don't want to be alive without him!! I can't!! I can't..." I stop screaming and start crying again.

I cry for awhile until I look up and see everyone's worried expressions. My mom, sister, and Kylie all seem like they're going to cry, while Aubree and my dad look upset/like they're going to punch someone, while Logan just stares at me.

Glacial Love (boyxboy)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα