Chapter 12 - Happy Birthday

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April 28th

I stare at the date on my phone and sigh. I look over at Mateo, laying in bed beside me, asleep. I shake his arm a little and he groans, rolling over and onto the floor. I chuckle out and he gets up, scowling at me and holding back a grin.

We get dressed and head downstairs. Aubree and Hannah are finishing up breakfast as my mom cleans the kitchen up. I walk in there and smile at her. She beams and returns one.

"Morning sweetie! How'd you sleep?" My smile fades a tiny bit, but I pretend to still be in a good mood.

"I slept good. Thank you for asking." I chuckle and turn around, strutting through the dining room, but quickly stopped by the sound of Hannah's voice,

"Hey, Brooks! Can you run to the store later? I heard you're going out with Kylie, so I thought you could pick some stuff up on the way back." She gives me a quick smile and goes back to talking with Aubree. I turn back and go upstairs to grab my phone.

I'll be honest.

I hate birthdays. I won't lie.

But when your family forgets about your birthday, it kind of hurts.

It isn't their fault though. I know they're just stressed. It's Hannah's last year of community college before she goes off to UCLA, my mom and dad are busy with their company, and others don't know, but they're all stressed about their own graduations.

Graduation is in a month and a half. Owen and Andrew are graduating with Hannah, but I don't think they're going to a university at all. As for Aubree and Mateo, they're graduating from they're first year of community college.

As for me, I'm graduating high school. At least I have Kylie.

The thought makes me smile and I grab my phone, hearing her honk and I run down the stairs. I open the door, shutting it and waving at her as I walk over. I get in and huff as I hit the seat. She giggles and holds up a small bag. I smirk at her thankfully and take the bag.

I pull out a little book and cock a brow. She knows I love to read. I've been so busy the past couple of weeks though, I haven't been able to.

I open the book and my heart sinks at the pictures of us throughout the years, ever since we became friends in 2nd grade. My lip quivers as I flip through the pages and I nibble on it. I look over at her and hug her immediately.

"Thank you so much!" A few tears fall from my face as I thank her. She just smiles sadly and wipes the tears, wiping her own after.

"I can't believe high school is over already.." She sniffles a little and pulls out of the driveway. I put the book back in the bag unharmed and nod slowly.

"Two more years.. then it's.. gone." I look down sadly and shake my head, "I mean, you're going to UM and I'm going to UNC.." I sniffle along with her and she gives a sad chuckle.

"We can still video call and stuff. We won't be apart forever." She tilts her head as she pulls into the parking lot of our favorite diner, "What about Mateo? Where is he going? What if you guys have to separate?"

"I mean, it's likely. I plan to move back once I finish college though. I don't think he's going to a university. Or any of them for that matter. I mean, they're all adults, yet they are still in a foster home. I don't think they plan on leaving anytime soon. Only problem is, I don't think I'll get to see them while at UNC. I mean, holidays maybe, but still. That's a lot of money." I look down and rub my sore eyes. She nods in response and opens her door, pushing it open.

"Well, enough sad, let's go stuff our faces!" We both laugh and get out, heading inside. We take the furthest booth, our favorite and practically our booth. I huff as I slide into the booth.

The waitress approaches us shortly after, giving a wide smile, "What would you like to order today young lads?" I chuckle silently and Kylie scowls at me playfully.

"Can we get two burgers, fries, and a strawberry milkshake please?" She orders, turning back to me and cocks a brow, asking for my approval. I nod in response and watch as the waitress writes it down.

"Okay! I'll check back with you in a minute with your food." She gives a cheesy smile and walks away. I let out the chuckle I've built up and Kylie giggles a little herself.

"Oh, so many good memories here! I love this place." She smiles and takes in a huge breath. I smile faintly in return and look down at the table.

What if she was right?

What if I never got to see Mateo anymore?

What if he forgets about me after I go to college?

I sniffle, looking out the window to see rain pouring down now. The waitress comes back and gives us our food. We chat and devour the delicious food and drink.

I look up at the dark sky and pull my hood over my head.

"It's probably dangerous to drive right now." I yell so Kylie can hear me over the rain. She shrugs and I bite my nail.

"Gotta get home somehow. Come on. It'll be fine!" She tucks in my arm and I smile a little, running with her and jumping into the car.

We sit there for a moment before she starts the car, backing up and onto the road. To break the silence, she starts blasting the radio. The song playing goes unrecognized by both of us, but we still try to sing along to it.

We turn onto the road going up to my house on the mountain.

"Kylie, I forgot we have to drive up a mountain. Maybe we should just go to your house until the rain stops?" I nibble on my lip and she just continues to hum the music, "Really, Kylie, I don't think this is such a good idea—"

I'm cut off by the sound of screeching and a loud crash. I open my eyes after a few minutes and look down at my bleeding arms. I look up and at Kylie, who's laying unconscious.

A rush of pain hits me from the back of my head and I groan in agony, putting my hand on the back of my head. Blood starts to gush out of my head. I don't try and move, but I grab my phone and dial 911. An operator soon picks up the phone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello.. yes, uh, my name's Brooks Miller and my friend and I were driving up um... shit." I groan as blood runs down my neck quickly.

"What happened and where are you at currently?"

"Car.. accident on the mountain.." I blink a few times, starting to get tired, but I wake back up when I hear sirens in the distance.

"Yeah.. I hear them." I mumble into the phone at the operator.

"That's good, they should arrive at your location soon." I sigh in relief and take another glance at Kylie, my eyes filling with tears. I suddenly remember the present and look frantically under the crushed metal. I pull it out and hug it close to my chest, a few tears falling.

The pain gets more and more intense as the sirens get louder. I pick my phone up again and click on my mom's number. It rings a few times before she answers.


"Mom.. car accident." I mumble into the phone, the paramedics pulling up.

"What do you mean 'car accident' sweetie?" She asks worriedly. A tear falls down my cheek and I shake my head a little.

"I've been in a car accident."

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