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By the time midnight rolled around, Ambra's heart was beating out of its chest. She had never snuck out before. Her parents didn't let her go out to parties, too much put at risk for their reputation they said. That's why with one leg hanging out of the window and the other in her bedroom, Ambra wonders if this is the best thing to be doing.

No, I have to go. I was out of order, come on you wuss get out of the window, she scolded herself before climbing onto the branch hanging by her window and making her way down slowly. She looked over the fence to make sure no one was watching her. The windows were shut and the lights were out, but it didn't mean no one was looking from the shadows. When Ambra was sure the coast was clear she sprinted down the street like a bat out of hell.

The walk, well sprint in this case, to Luca's house was 15 minutes. Ambra knew she could not run that long, who can?! She kept in the shadows and avoided any dodgy alleyways. If she thought her heart was beating out of its chest before, it might as well be on the ground squirting out blood at this point. The adrenaline was pumping through her system. Ambra was on a high. The kind that makes you want to keep doing something dangerous.

The town was completely silent. The odd petrol station with its flickering lights would make an appearance from time to time but other than that, silence. The slight rain that had begun to fall only made Ambra sprint faster as she fought against the harsh wind that had picked up too. She felt like she could finally breathe out a sigh of relief when she spotted a house in the distant.

Ambra didn't know what she was expecting. An apartment? Maybe. A freaking mansion?!! NO WAY. Her eyes almost bulged out of her head after seeing Luca's home. Although it was dark, she couldn't tear her eyes off of the gold plating on the doorway and the intricately painted lion head that served as a doorknob.

Her admiring was cut short as her orbs met with those of emerald jewels. Before she could stop herself, Ambra threw herself on Luca and hugged his neck. She felt him stiffen underneath her but couldn't find it in herself to care. She needed to let him know how sorry she was; uncomfortable or not. Slowly but eventually, strong tattooed arms made them way around her waist and held her tight.

"What's all this about then, hm?" Luca spoke into her shoulder as he walked backwards and closed the door behind them. Neither of them loosened their grip on the other.

"I'm sorry," Ambra couldn't hide the tremble in her voice as she hugged her friend impossibly closer. "I-I got scared I didn't mean to be so rude, you must think I'm a rich ungrateful brat. I'm not like that I promise. My parents have always kept me away from guys and stuff you know, so I wasn't sure how to react knowing I was friends with a thirty-five year old. I didn't mean all those mean things I said, please forgive me." Ambra was a blubbering mess with tears rolling down her chubby cheeks.

Luca sat them down on his couch with Ambra's legs on either side of his. He stroked her hair and held her tight until she had calmed down. Both of them sat together as the only sounds that could be heard were Ambra's light sniffles that were dying down the longer they sat together. No words were said as they found comfort in the other's embrace. The crackling of the fire behind them served as a background noise that omitted any presence of an awkward silence.

Luca was first to clear his throat before speaking. "I want to say sorry too," he started off quietly so as to not break the beauty of the moment; one loud noise and everything would shatter. "I intentionally didn't tell you how old I was so you wouldn't run away. You're the only person I've seen who's wanted to be friends with me. Everyone else is always looking for a quick shag. I never wanted to scare you away. I forgive you though. For everything."

Ambra pulled back and rested her hands on top of his chest whilst looking down. "I forgive you too," she whispered. Luca's hands raised themselves to her cheeks and wiped away the stray tears.

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