4. Confusion

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The week goes by quickly. The next set of scenes completed smoother than the whole team was used to. Despite his initial reservations, Win found out he enjoyed acting and the challenge this role posed more than he initially thought.

The weekend arrives and he still has so much to take care of. He got his keys to his apartment a few days ago, and the first thing he did was move in his furniture and set up his bed. He'd been waking up in his new place for a couple of days now and it felt good. But, having to wake up early on his first Saturday by himself after all the work he'd been doing sounded like a load of crap. Still, he had to take advantage of the free day. Win pulled off his sleep shirt and dropped it to the ground. Quickly, he went over all the things he had to do that day as he brushed his teeth and waited for the water to heat up. He had to buy groceries, a dental appointment to get to and then another appointment at the bank to complete his apartments first month payment. Oh, and wait for a text from Bright. Not that he was actually waiting or something. But it was today they were supposed to meet up and start going through the script. Win was beginning to...well, he was beginning to get a little bit nervous.

After his dental visit was done, he made his way to the bank.

It was when he was halfway up the road that his cell phone began to ring from inside the car.

"Hey," came Bright's voice after the third ring.
Win almost dropped the phone. "H-hey," he stammered stupidly. He wanted to hit himself. Instead, he just cleared his throat. "Hey."

"Sorry for calling you so early," started Bright. Win could hear a lot of background noise. "I wanted to catch you early enough."

"Na, it's cool," answered Win. "What's up?"

Win drove over the speed limit the rest of the way to the bank as Bright began to talk. "Not much. I, uh... I know we agreed for me to go over today-"

"I'll let you know when I finish my errands," interrupted Win as he pulled into the parking lot of the bank. He honked as a Jeep took its long-ass time pulling into a parking spot. "Shouldn't take long,"

"Um, it's okay -," said Bright. Win parked the car and grabbed his things. He locked the car behind him and started to walk to the bank. He smiled to himself. He still had a couple minutes to spare.

"I'm sorry Win, but something came up and I can't make it today."

"Oh," Win tried hiding the disappointment in his voice. He wasn't sure where the disappointment even came from, it caught him off guard and he was for sure not successful. "I mean, that's okay. Are you alright?" Win frowned, walking into the bank lobby and waiting to be called.

"Yeah, just, something came up. But hey, I was wondering if instead you wanted to come to the gym with me?"

"I dunno. I mean...I'm not sure," mumbled Win into the mouthpiece of the cell phone he had squashed between his ear and shoulder. He wasn't exactly
primed for boxing, and the thought of doing so in front of a bunch of strangers didn't sound very exciting. "Honestly, I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of a bunch of people I don't know."

"Don't worry, I'll be alone," said Bright.  "It'll just be us-"

Win could barely hear through the speaker of the bank as it called for his turn.

"Crap..." said Win as he walked to the bankers cubicle. "Look, I gotta go. But I'm down. Send me the address and time. I'll message you later." Win hung up the phone before Bright could answer.

Bright felt anxious as he drove his girlfriend back to her house from the airport. It was the first time they had seen each other this week - she had been on vacation with her best friends in the islands, and he couldn't exactly say no when she asked him to pick her up.

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