He glanced up from his phone, before looking her over, his eyes lingering on her casts. "Whats up little novice?"

Pom wanted to mention that she wasn't a novice anymore...but it felt weird to say that. Really weird. She was honoring the moon goddess by being with War but...how come when anyone pointed it out she became nervous?

"Oh I just wanted to ask you a question," she told the man as she glanced up at where he was itching his neck and noticed a terrible scar traveling down the middle of it. It seemed old, but painful.

"Anything for War's little mate," he smirked, a look that she didn't quite get passed his face as he threw his leg up on the couch, before leaning his elbow on his knee. It looked harmless, it really did but the way those golden eyes were flickering over her made her a little nervous to be boxed in with the Alpha.

He kept calling her little. She was not little, it was just that him and War and every other male in the pack she had came into contact were huge as trees!

"Oh I just wanted to know when the Alpha ceremony will be. I would love to see Jess be blessed a Luna. I've never attended a ceremony like that. Only have read about," Pom told Alpha Khan as he groaned, bringing his one hand up to his face and massaging his closed eyes.

Did Pom say something wrong? She also paid equal attention to the ink that swirled over the backside of his hand and fingers. Right above his knuckles were letters and they spelled something out...but she just couldn't understand what it said...

Khan sighed heavily. "You're a holy woman right?"

Pom nodded hesitantly. She technically still was? War didn't mark her and she was still a virgin. "Good. I need council."

"Oh...um okay." Pom felt as if a big spotlight was put on her, and suddenly became nervous.

"So this pack needs a good female leader, we've been too fuckin long without one. As Alpha I gotta get some balls and choose a female-"

"-Wait," Pom gasped, confused on a few things. "Jess is not your mate? You have to wait for your mate. You just can't pick a Luna who isn't your mate. Imagine what happens when you do find your mate!" That was a terrible idea!

Alpha Khan rolled his eyes. "Jess is not my mate and I'm not going to get a fuckin mate, the moon goddess or whoever isn't gifting me shit. So like I said I need to make some decisions."

Pom didn't understand why Alpha Khan didn't think he was going to get a mate? "Alpha Khan you will meet your mate eventually. I don't think it's a good idea to take another woman as a Luna till you find-"

"-I'm telling you, I'm not getting a mate," he growled out, his eyes brightening, resembling something akin to a molten gold. The heat from his gaze was making Pom highly uncomfortable and she suddenly wished for War's intense gaze instead of his. "So if I'm lookin for a suitable female. Should I pick A. A temperamental, loud mouthed, female who only gets along with 25% of the female population. Or option B, a younger female who has an attitude, a decent amount of respect but I can't fuckin stand her."

Pom had no idea why he was asking her opinion. Both options didn't sound good. "Well can you stand option A? No...well Alpha Khan I have to be truthful. If option B can understand and lead the pack better maybe she is a better pick. If you don't want to choose a female by your fondness of her then you have to choose by her leadership?" Pom felt as if the sun was burning down on her with the amount of pressure she was feeling.

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