Eyes filled with delight, they patted my back while telling me good job and proceeded to talk about the script.

And now, we have the play entitled "The war between Romeo and Juliet".



Me and Feng Mian stood in the gate while we wait for the other three. I figured out that because a play will commence in the school, everyone would be busy and won't have the time to go out and play.

"Your idea was good, brilliant even" praised Feng Mian as she ruffled my hair.

Smiling cheekily at her, I asked "So...do I have some reward?" She laughed and gave me her favorite candy- chocolate and menthol flavored candy.

Fine, it's still candy and sweet so yep.

Then the other three arrived and instantly, I saw their faces a bit more gaunt that ever. I knew it, the play must have stressed out this genius people.

"Are you okay Aifen?" While I worry at her condition, I couldn't help but grin in the back of my mind how Wei Xiu would be put into a protagonist character and therefore, would lose the time to study.

I let out an evil laugh while looking at the side of his perfectly chiseled face, psh, show off!

"Did your class already have a play in their mind?" Aifen asked, she isn't stuttering anymore but she still looks shy towards Wei Xiu.

"We did, it's because of Liu Ying's idea" Feng Mian replied while Aifen looked at me with her bright eyes.

I smiled with a knowing look on my face. That's right Aifen, I'm the one who solved this tricky problem!

"Ours still haven't decided" her tone was a bit sad while I comforted her with a smile.

"Ours already have" Ming Chen insensitively said while I glared at him with so much anger. This guy! A womanizer who doesn't even know a maiden's fragile feeling! Shame on him!

"What's it about?" Seems like she didn't get affected

"It's about a typical romance with me as the second male lead and Xiu as the main male lead" he said with a grin and after that, inched closer to Feng Mian. "Don't worry Feng-er, my body is only for you" with such a flirty tone, I wonder how many girls have been played with this guy.

"I don't need your body you womanizer!" She hissed like a cat while a dogish smile made its way to Ming Chen's face.


Looking at Wei Xiu's passive face, I snorted at the thought of him playing as the male lead. I think that he'll just act like a robot with a fully memorized and an absolutely monotonous voice. His stiff body acting out in a very cliche way made me burst out in laughter.

"What's funny?" He blurted out, his eyes trained on me.

"Your face" I said while a smile still intact from my face.

He narrowed his eyes and asked me. "Why? You playing as a tree again?" This bastard!

How can he insult a tree like that and besides, I can just stand there in the corner without doing anything and still receive a high grade!

I don't even act and is notoriously bad at memorizing!

"It's much more better than yours! At least I will only act as a tree with no dialogue and won't feel pressured like you!" I said with a victorious look on my face.

Ha?! Whose the winner now?

Then I was tapped in my shoulder and with Feng Mian's words, I wanted the ground to swallow me up and just never spit me out again.

I will be playing as a villain in our play!

Hi people! How are you in this uhm....I think still good day? Mines pretty hectic since a lot of my teachers have appeared to be online again and whoosh!

A pile of school works have dropped on our laps without any preparation.

Yes, how freaking great eh?

Edit: It was finished already, u thought it was! But it's not! Huhuhuuhuhuh one of our teachers have told us that there's still one thing we need to do!

Ugh!!! Really frustrating! But we can't complain to them, really, the Philippines is suffering from the pandemic but here we are again, trying to get some money to just comply and pass school works instead of reserving money for food. Although I have wifi, it's awful for those who have no gadgets and internet.

Anyways, I do hope that you all are feeling well today! Sleep tight and always stay safe!
Thank you for the votes and reads too!


Thank you!

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