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The people of Atania try to keep close to their traditions and it's considered normal for parents to pass the Old Tongue language of Atania down to their children. Here is a little translation of the Old Tongue that you'll be coming across quite often throughout the story.

Hello - Relxa
Goodbye - Qaabxie
Friend - Fazeeb
Soulmate - Saltazeeb
Mother - Naraz
Father - Firez
Daughter - Biqirez
Please - Pleize
Yes - Iez
Thank you - Rac iai
No problem - Pzaxlen
My name is - Doqaaxit
She/Her - Ezerez
His/He - Erez

Atanian's live by the Circle, meaning they consider life a never ending cycle as long as you live your life by honouring and respecting your homelands. They're very much in touch with their spiritual side and live a daily routine of Tension Releases (yoga), Emotional Releases and other practices to keep themselves pure and connected to their lands.

*The Chronicles of F.R.E.E. Atania's Knight - Raquel Festow* Part 1Where stories live. Discover now