//whipped// five

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Oh my! My first conversation with 〇〇shima-san! You squealed internally. 

Stop. Hands zipped up to partially cover your face. 
You need to get over him. Fangirling by yourself, in the middle of a street, is not cool, even if no one can hear you. 

The next day, you punched Nagisa so hard that he flew down the corridor in your university, crashed into the wall and left a Nagisa-shaped crater in it, because you know, your name is Saitama and you can defeat villains and heroes alike with one punch.  


That totally happened. 

What actually happened was that while you were studying in the library, Nagisa came up to you with a half-hearted apology that he forgot when his shift was, and then proceeded to invite you, once again, to support him at his part-time job, this afternoon.  

"Anyway, how was it? The food and drinks are pretty good right!"

"Yup..." Your mind wandered over to 〇〇shima, and a blush dusted your cheeks, thinly, but visibly, like icing sugar sprinkled over a dessert. 

"Wish you had warned me about the other waiters though." Words tumbled from your mouth, uncontrollable.

"He's hot."

Stunned silence ensued and you cursed your inability to control your thoughts.
Whatever had just left your lips were meant for you and your thoughts alone, and now you'd just revealed your innermost desires to a hyperactive penguin, who when gets his daily dose of sugar, becomes a babbling PA system sharing all the juicy facts with anyone who is willing to listen. 
Your face burned, warm blood rapidly pumping through the arteries and veins on your cheeks, and you collapsed, covering your face with your hands, sliding from your seat under the table, and burying yourself into a ball. 

The next moment, your lovely, lovely friend burst into laughter, his cackles echoing all around the library, drawing "shhs" and annoyed glares from everybody around him. 

"Oh my, oh my,"
He gasped, in between softer giggles. 

"Aw, (name)-chan, he's got you whipped. 

Whipped af."

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