
"well, he did. that's why he wouldn't let me and yoongi be together. he thought we would make the same mistake as him. and then, he had the audacity to even apologize, can you believe that?"

namjoon said nothing. he just let taehyung freely speak.

"apologizing won't undo what he did to my brother."

namjoon nodded as if understanding, but he hardly knew what was going on.

"i used to hate animals, especially cats, but then as jimin was talking, i realized that i never hated cats, i hated jimin all along. he was the one responsible for seokjin's death."

"why did you hate cats?" namjoon asked as what taehyung was saying wasn't making sense.

"because jimin is the calico cat that killed my brother."

namjoon slowly nodded. "what exactly happened, taehyung? i'm not sure of what happened."

taehyung sighed as he wiped away some of his tears. then, he proceeded to tell the story from the beginning. "jimin is a cat, a calico cat. he can also turn into a human because he's the protector of the animals. he fell in love with my brother and killed him while in his cat form. it was his fault that my brother died, so out of pity, he befriended me and kept the secret of my brother's death being his fault, that he was the calico cat that killed my brother."

"then, where does yoongi come into this?" namjoon asked, still very much confused.

taehyung wiped away some more tears that he didn't realize had fallen from his eyes as he told namjoon the story. "yoongi is like jimin, sorta. he's a cat, but he was originally a human, unlike jimin. jimin is the other way around. i hated animals, especially cats because of jimin. jimin told me that if i didn't learn to love animals, i would turn into the animal i despised the most, cats."

"wait, isn't that more of a fairytale story that you tell kids to make them listen?"

taehyung shook his head while still wiping away a few tears. "no, i thought it was too, but it's real. i met yoongi in his cat form first, he came to help me because he also suffered the same fate. he hated cats so much that he ended turning into one because he didn't learn to love them. to avoid the same fate, i was supposed to learn from him."

"did you?" namjoon curiously asked while leaning forward in his seat.

taehyung nodded. "that's why i'm still here. i would have been turned into a cat the moment yoongi was gone."

"i don't know how to feel about that, especially this guy named jimin."

"jimin lied about something else too."


"he said yoongi and i couldn't fall in love. i thought the idea was absurd and i never thought i actually would fall in love, but..."

namjoon let out a soft breath as he remembered what taehyung had told him and realized what happened. "you fell in love, that's why you miss him so much."

taehyung nodded. "i don't understand how i can't love yoongi if jimin loved seokjin."

namjoon's heart ached for taehyung. "it's okay, taehyung. jimin is a hypocrite from what you've told me. you don't deserve him, you have me. i can be your best friend," he said as he opened his arms for taehyung and engulfed him in a tight hug.

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