Dream but reality

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My name is (?) and i am... Lets just say i am more than a 100 years old and i am currently between a cat fight against god and the devil. To be exact i am dead i knew that i would die but this sight just surprised me like who wouldn't.


(god, devil)-huh. Oh your awake,so where do you wanna go heaven or hell.

(?)-why do i have to choose aren't you the ones that judge souls and send them to either one.

(god)-well thats what we do but in your case, you did nothing in your life so...

(*?*)-did god just shrug.  (note name in between * means thinking)

(devil)-So choose!!!!

(?)- nethier

(god, devil)-????

(?)-can i reincarnate, like in that genre called isekai. I always wanted to be reincarnated with a special ability you know.can i?

(god)-I guess thats possible right D

(devil)-yeah its possible G

(*?*)-why did their personality change

(god)-so whats the ability ya want?


(?)-lets see,anything right


(?)-can i have limitless leveling and stats growth, God steal and Gods eyes.

(devil)-why do some of your skills have god in, why can't you have a skill that has my name to!? (and the devil starts pouting)

(?)-fine can you also add devil's blessing.

(god)- Ok and its done. You will be travelling to a world of swords and magic just like in a typical isekai and the abilities you have listed have been added to your status. Oh and this world is three times bigger than your earth so have as much fun as you want k.

(?)- Thank You and I hope we could meet again not as a soul but as a human

(god, devil)-us too. See you when we see you

I am then covered in light and a shadow and then i woke up and knocked my head to a goat, that scared the shit out of me.

I said status and a window appeared

[Level]-0 (0/10)

Hp-2500                      Mp-5000
St-1500                        Df-1000
Ag-300 0                     Sp-0

Skills- None

Unique- Gods blessing(sss)
                Devils blessing(sss)
                Unlimited growth(?)
                Gods eye(?)
                God steal(?)
                Faster growth(s)

[Titles]-Gods friend, Devils friend,The one who reincarnated

Wow! Ok is that normal my level is 0 but my stats are in the four digits, maybe its normal. Well it doesn't matter lets check this new world, it has cleaner air and the...


Ahhhhh. I was like a ball been thrown through the sky.
(*?*)The fudge!, who you.....green thats all i could think.

I used gods eye.

[Goblin general]

Hp-1590                          Mp-100
St -2585                           Df-1775

Skills-smash(c),sword slash(b),call(a)

Unique skills-None

Ok i used god steal and and took smash and sword slash so it cannot use them, when i thought about it, if i can take skills can't i take its stats aswell i tried it and......

[Goblin general]

Hp-1                          Mp-1
St -1                           Df-1


Unique skills-None

All i could say is wow. I checked mine

[Level]-0 (0/10)

Hp-2500+1590             Mp-5000+100
St-1500+2585               Df-1000+1775
Ag-3000+590                Sp-0

Skills- smash(c),sword slash(a)

Unique- Gods blessing(sss)
                Devils blessing(sss)
                Unlimited growth(?)
                Gods eye(?)
                God steal(?)
                Faster growth(s)

[Titles]-Gods friend, Devils friend,The one who reincarnated

(*?*)-thank you G and the D

I walked towards it and flick it. I vomited at the sight of guts and flesh all over the lush and plentiful green grass.


Exp gaind 59000

Level up...
Level up...

So many level ups it started to hurt
I checked my stats

[Level]-32 (3610/5620)

Hp-4410             Mp-5420
St-4405               Df-3095
Ag-3910              Sp-32000

Skills- smash(c),sword slash(a)

Unique- Gods blessing(sss)
                Devils blessing(sss)
                Unlimited growth(?)
                Gods eye(?)
                God steal(?)
                Faster growth(s)

[Titles]-Gods friend, Devils friend,The one who reincarnated

Ok. I think i am overpowered,which isn't a bad thing but won't it get boring real fast. (I just shruged it off)

Time to find a damsel in distress or a village whichever comes first.

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