Chapter 12 - Get Help

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**Austin’s POV**

Did she seriously just say Yup awesome! I know I just made every thing awkward by telling her I loved her. Maybe I said it to early? We sat in silence for about 3 minutes but I sure felt like 20 minutes with all the awkward tension in the room.

“Hey um you should really get going it’s getting late and my mom and Derek will be home soon.”

“Um yeah you’re right I’ll get Alex and we will be gone, I’ll talk to you later”

“Okay” we hugged and I left, to get out of her room actually left nice all the tension was gone.

“Hey Alex we have to go now..”

“Why so soon?” Kylie asked.

“Because I need to do that thing” I gave Alex a look and he knew something was up.

“Oh yeah that thing Austin! KyBear I’ll text you tonight I promise!”

“Something is fishy here but okay bye AlexBear! I love you!”

“I love you too!” Alex replied ughh why isn’t it weird for them? I definitely did something wrong!

Kylie came to give me a hug good bye “thanks for stealing my boyfriend to soon!”

“Haha anytime KyBear! AlexBear is mine for now!” I said mocking them. Alex laughed but Kylie just rolled her eyes.

**In The Car**

“Why did you want to leave so quickly? You never want to leave Kendra’s side!”

“Because it was awkward with Kendra…” I mumbled under my breath.

“AWKWARD!? Every time there’s an awkward or weird situation you always find a way to make it unawkward!”

“No this was a whole new level of awkward man!”

“How? What happened?” Alex asked very curious.

“Okay how do I say this….I TOLD KENDRA I LOVE HER AND SHE SAID YUP AWESOME! AND NOW OUR RELATIONSHIP IS IN A WEIRD PLACE RIGHT NOW!” I couldn’t believe I said that all in one breathe. Alex’s eyes widened.

“WHOA!” is all he could say.

“Yeah I know and now I don’t know what to do because obviously she doesn’t feel the same way…”

“All I can say is talk to her about it and make things right, you have to learn to communicate with her and tell her how you’re feeling if it’s weird or not.”

“I know I know Dr. Phil! I’ll talk to her tomorrow…hopefully…”

**Kylie’s POV**

I wonder what is up with Kendra she wasn’t herself today for sure! I walked up stairs into her room to talk to her. “Yo Kenny!”

“Hey Kyky” I sat on her bed next to her.

“What up with you? You seem different today…”

“I’m fine…”

“No you aren’t Kendra I know when your okay and you AREN’T!”

“Fine you want to know what’s wrong with me!?... My life is a mess! I think of my abusive ex boyfriend all the time and I can’t help it, mine and Austin’s relationship is more like relationSHIT! And to top it all off Derek beat me today left me bruises and a black eye and gave me a bloody nose was he beat me today and it wasn’t the first time he abused me!” she had tears rolling down her face. I was in complete shock!

“Oh my god Kendra why haven’t you talked to me about this stuff!? I’m here for you and clearly you need someone to talk to! You know you can trust Me Austin and Alex! And you need professional help with Mason and you know that but you choose to not get help! And you can work things out with Austin I know you guys can! And we have to tell mom about Derek!!!!”

“He abuses her to I kept it from you so you don’t get hurt…”

“Are you crazy we have to tell the police and get help!”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Kylie…”

“Shut up! Wait that’s what you wanted Austin to keep from us?”

“Yeah it jus….”

“OMG just shut up! I’m calling Austin to pick us up to go to the police station!”

“Fine..” she said in a soft voice.

“YOU”RE NOT GOING ANY WHERE!” I turned around and it was Derek…

I Hope You Come True (Austin Mahone fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon