Chapter 29 - I Wish We Could Start Over Again

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One Direction – Summer Love

One Direction – Over Again

**Austin’s POV**

I can’t believe this is happening this is so much to take in. I’m so mad, upset, disappointed, angry, I’m feeling so many different emotions words can’t even explain!

I stormed out of Kendra’s room and stormed out of her house.

I was walking just thinking of all that just happened, all that she just told me.

I was so angry at Kendra but wait… It’s not just her I’m angry at Robert too. My best friend fucked my girlfriend!

I started to run to Alex’s house knowing Robert was there… He’s not getting out of this one easy.

I ran so fast I never thought I could run this fast before. I barged in through Alex’s door. “Where’s Robert!?” I shouted.

“We’re all over here!” I heard Tatyana shout back. I went to the kitchen and there he was sitting having a good time.

“Yoooo Austin! Where’s Kendra?” Robert asked.

“I don’t know but I have a question for you…How was it screwing my girlfriend!?” His eyes went big and BAM I punched him to the ground.

“Whoa whoa Austin!” Dave said grabbing me and bringing me to the other side of the kitchen and holding me back.

“WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?!?” Tatyana just kept yelling the same thing at me.

At this point I was already mad and didn’t want her yelling in my face. “YOUR BOYFRIEND HAD SEX WITH MY GIRLFRIEND! Do you get what my problem is now!?” I shouted furiously. Tatyana’s mouth dropped and turned to Robert who was being helped get up from the floor by Alex.

She walked over to him, slapped him, and then ran out the kitchen. I’m assuming she left the house because she never came back.

“Okay, I guess I disserved all that.” Robert said.

I couldn’t stand just to look at him, he disgusted me. So I walked out and went to Alex’s room.

Today couldn’t be any worse; everything got messed up and went down hill. I can’t wait to go back to Miami, I’m getting my plane tickets tonight and leaving tomorrow morning. I’m done with Kendra she turning into a Taylor #2 and last time I checked I was done with Taylor, so I don’t need another.

**Kendra’s POV**

Why did this have to happen!? Why to me… My relationship was so perfect and amazing why?

I could help but cry, I cried my heart out!

I really had to talk to Austin, I called him but no answer. So I called again but still no answer. I mean I get that he’s mad at me for what I did but he could I least answer me. He’s not the only one hurting, I am too.

I called Alex knowing he was with Austin and thank god he answered!

“Hello?” He said.

“Alex can I please talk to Austin it’s really important!”

“He doesn’t want to talk right now Kenny…”

“But I need to talk to him.”

“Kendra I get that but just give him time right now, he’s really hurt and this is all because of you and Robert. So just give him the time he needs.”

I sighed because I knew that this was my entire fault… “Well when can I talk to him?”

“Just stop by tomorrow…” ‘No Alex! Noo!’ I heard Austin say to Alex in the background.

He hates me, he really does! He doesn’t even want to see my face! I didn’t know what to say there was an awkward silence so I just said “Alright bye Alex..” and hung up the phone.

I stuffed my face into my pillow and screamed and shouted, and cried and cried.

My heart hurt so much I could almost die. I hate myself for doing what I did.

**Next Morning**

I woke up with my eyes in pain they even looked a bit swollen.

I rushed to my bathroom showered and brushed my teeth, ran to my closet through on leggings, a sweatshirt, uggs and put my hair in a messy bun [what I’m wearing right now LOL].

I ran to my car and drove to Alex’s house hoping Austin would want to see me today regardless of what happened last night.

I parked my car on the sidewalk and noticed Alex’s car wasn’t parked in the drive way.

I rang to door bell twice and Alex’s mom answered.

“Hi Mrs. Constanico is Alex, Austin and Kylie here?” I asked nicely.

“Nope they left not to long ago…”

“Oh um okay thank you…” I was really confused where could they could have gone so I texted Kylie.

“Where are you guys? I just stopped by Alex’s and his mom said you guys left not to long ago…”

**Kylie’s POV**

“Umm guys Kenny just texted me where we are do I tell her?”

“Yeah if she decides to come to the airport I’m already going to be gone so it doesn’t matter…” Austin answered. I could tell he was really upset by the tone in his voice.

“Dude maybe you should just talk to her see what she has to say at least…” Alex said to Austin.

“No I’m done, I’m done with her, she said enough last night and I don’t want to hear it.”

“Just remember what you had with her will never be replaced…” Alex said. Austin just sighed in confusion.

I’m glad mine and Alex’s relationship is going good. No drama, no lies, no confusion just a happy couple.

I texted Kendra back saying “We’re headed to the airport Austin decided he doesn’t want to stay any longer…”

I hope Austin is wrong and Kendra catches him before he gets on to his plane and convinces him to stay.

**Kendra’s POV**

I sat in my car waiting for a response from Kylie and finally my phone vibrated. I read her text started my car and raced down the street. I can’t believe Austin wants to leave!

There was so much traffic going to the airport it wasn’t even funny I just prayed that he hasn’t left yet.

By the time I got to the airport I saw Alex and Kylie walking out of the door entrance.

“Where’s Austin!?!?” I asked.

“He left Kendra…” Alex said in a soft low voice. My jaw dropped and so did my body I cried there on my knees wishing none of this has ever happened. Alex hugged me and Ky rubbed my back.

I got up went to my car and drove home in pain just wanting to crawl into a corner and die.

While I was driving I was thinking maybe he’ll come back… Maybe that quote “If you love something let it go if it comes back it’s meant to be” is real or what if the quote “if you love something let it go if it doesn’t come back it wasn’t meant to be” is true. I hope he comes back I really do. I just wish we can start this all over again.

I just wish I could here Justin Bieber – Thought Of You ring from my phone one more time. [That’s Austin’s ringtone]. 

I Hope You Come True (Austin Mahone fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat