Chapter 21 - Perfect Day Indeed!

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One Direction - Live While We're Young

**Still Kendra’s POV**

So I was driving Austin’s car while the boy’s were driving Alex’s car. I was actually kind of nervous… I was driving something that meant SO much to Austin and I’m a HORRIBLE at driving plus we’re on the highway with various cars anything could happen!

Kylie and Tatyana were making fun of the way I was driving because I looked like an old lady driving sitting extra close to the wheel with my eyes locked on the rode... I even took off my contacts and was wearing my glasses to make it worse!

Click click snap snap

Great now they’re taking pictures of me! “Come on guys not funny!”

“Oh yes very I repeat VERY funny!” Tatyana said.

“I swear Kylie’s evilness is rubbing off on you!”

“I’m definitely sending this picture to the boys!!!!” Kylie said with an evil smile.

**Austin’s POV**

Buzzzzz ding ding all of our phones went off at the same time…Weird.

“Hey Austin reach in my pocket and see who that text is from.” Alex said as he was driving.

“It say’s it’s a picture from Kylie…”  I said.

“My text is a picture from her too!” Robert added.

I looked at my phone and saw my text was a picture from Kylie too. “Mine is too.” I opened up the message….

Text: -------picture  of Kendra driving--------

Look whose extra careful in driving Austin’s car! She looks like an old lady!                    LOL :D

“HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Robert and I died laughing! Alex grabbed my phone from my hand and started laughing too.

“This is hilarious!” Robert said while laughing.

“Oh my god my stomach hurts!” I said holding my stomach.

We calmed down and listened to music for the rest of the time until we got to the beach.


We got parking spots and I hopped out of the car and went to the trunk to get the towels. “Got everything?” Alex asked.

“Yup!” I said as I through his towel to him and to Robert.

The girls were standing by the car waiting for us. “Oh my god Kylie that picture was SOOOOOOOO funny!” Robert said walking towards Tatyana.

“It really was babe! We couldn’t stop laughing!” Alex added.

Kendra was standing with her arms crossed, I walked up to her and hugged her and said “thank you for driving carful I know the only reason you were driving like an oldy was to not mess up my car so thank you.” She looked up and smiled and I kissed her gently.

“Well are we just going to stand here!? There’s a huge ocean waiting for us so let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kylie yelled.

**Kendra’s POV**

We all ran to the sand and set up our towels to an area we wanted to sit at. Right when we got everything settled Kylie Tatyana and Robert ripped of there clothes and ran towards the water.

I Hope You Come True (Austin Mahone fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang