Dancing In The Rain

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You've had those feelings... you wish your life was done.
You're broken, defeated, and overcome.
Each day more challenging than the last.
Moments of weakness...emotions consistently masked.

There is sadness built up, stirring within,
Reflecting on where your life has been.
You feel alone... all you feel is pain.
Each moment a struggle masked by crying in the rain.

The storms of life will thunder, shoot lightning 'cross your face.
But get up, chin up, and win YOUR race.
You can take charge...refuse to feel defeat.
Just get up, walk out... first step's to move your feet.

Get out of the trench that you've dug for yourself.
Change what you are to improve your mental health.
There's no shame in admitting that life is harder than you can bear.
That's what friends are for...to show comfort and to care.

Don't take the world on all alone; the challenges are real.
Be willing to accept the help you need, friendship, and you'll heal.
Days will get easier; life will cease to be a strain...
Before you know it, you'll be DANCING in the rain.

Painful Poem depression Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora