Introduction ~ Information ~ Charts

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Ranks are mostly the same, except for a few things.

Leaders: the leader of the Clan (if infected) will lose two lives instead of one. They have complete power over the Clan. Tyrant leaders are welcomed.

Deputy: Deputies are the second in command, and important as well. They will take over for the leader if they die. Evil Deputies are welcomed as well.

Lead Medicine Cat: the head Medicine Cat that will go to the Devine Skull every 5 moons. They have a small chance of gaining a piece of the cure, or receiving an important message.

Medicine Cats: they help heal any injured or sick cat. At the end of the game, if the cure is found, will need to use the special command /pass out cure to other Clans this is pass out the cure to other Clans to help eradicate Bloodcough. If the cure isn't found, this will not be needed. If the Lead Medicine Cat dies, they will need to elect a new one.

Medicine Cat Apprentice: young cats who are learning to be Medicine Cats. Help with foraging for herbs and healing clanmates.

Warriors: cats who help keep the Clan together. They primarily hunt, patrol the border, and fight for the Clan. Some warriors can offer to help Medicine Cats with gathering herbs. Has a chance of becoming Deputy.

Apprentices: young cats who are learning to become warriors. They can offer to help the Medicine Cats or their apprentices. Lower skilled Apprentices will need help evacuating the camp during emergencies.

Queens: she-cats with or excepting kits. Mothers of the Clan. They will need help evacuating the camp during emergencies.

Kits: the future of the Clan. More likely to get Bloodcough thanks to weak immune systems. Will need help evacuating the camp during emergencies.

 Will need help evacuating the camp during emergencies

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Some events can be stopped by keeping the border strength up. Some events can't be stopped, like natural ones. Some events will be good.

Border related Events

Attacks: Numerous animals are growing desperate during the pandemic, and will fight for prey and territory. It can range from Rogues to Bears, to even Twolegs who are desperate for food.

Rogues travel in packs of 2-10 cats, from levels 1-7. They usually appear during Leaf-Bare or when the Border is down to or below 15. Can be captured and join the Clan.

Dogs travel in packs of 1-3, rarely 4-5. They can come in levels from 3-7. They appear more likely during Green-Leaf or when the Border is down to 12 or below. Babies can be pets.

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