Chapter 20 - Forgive me

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When we got to Jim's new locker, I stopped 2 lockers away from his, immediately regretting why I agreed to accompany him. I didn't realise that his locker was next to Jake's, and he was there; getting ready for geometry also

Suddenly though often, I forget how to breathe. It gets worse when our eyes lock and I notice the hurt that flashes through his eyes

Jim just stands there confused.
"Why'd we stop" he asks before noticing the tension between me and Jake

Jakes eyes move from me to Jim and then back to me. Then he closes his locker about to turn away when I call him back, I can't afford to lose this opportunity. I can finally get him to listen to me. I hope so

"Jake please. Wait" I say trying to fight the tears that are threatening to fall

I mentally jump for joy when he turns back and faces me

"Who is he?" Jake asks pointing to Jim

"Um... This is Jim. My brother"

"Hey I'm Jim, her brother" Jim says even after I just said same thing "and you are?"


"Jake... A friend? Boyfriend? Ex?"

"Jim mind your damn business" I snap unintentionally, but I make no attempt to apologize either ways

"I use to be her boyfriend. I don't know what we are anymore though" Jake replies ignoring me

"Jake please can we talk?" I ask hopefully

"Ariana, There isn't much to talk about. I just wanna know where I stand" he  says ignoring Jim's presence

"Jake. I'm sorry for what happened. I really don't want us to keep fighting please. Let's just forget what happened"
I can't believe I'm sorting out my issues with Jake next to my stranger brother. Urrrgh

"I'm sorry if I overreacted babe. I was just really hurt and I didn't know how to feel" he said brushing  his left hand through his hair

"Okay so I'll leave. This is getting kinda awkward" Jim says then turns away

"Jim, you have no idea where you're going. Just wait by your locker" I say then move few lockers away with Jake

"Lets just forget this few weeks happened and then let things go back to normal. I won't let anything come in between us again I promise"

"I also promise" he  says before pulling me into a tight hug.
I have to admit I missed his hugs
They're just the best.

And then he gives me a quick kiss on the lips
I also missed his kisses
They're also the best.

"So your brother is back huh?" Jake asks turning to Jim who was already arranging his locker

"Unfortunately yes. And I have to put up with him for mum's sake"

"You'll get use to having  him around don't worry"

"I do not have a choice"

"I should probably be his friend"

"Do you have to? I actually forbade Hailey from talking to him you know"

"But why?"

"They where getting along so well this morning, and they only just started talking. What if they end up falling in love huh?"

"Woah" he says awkwardly "Hailey wouldn't do that to you would she?"

"I don't know. She may not be able to control her feelings. But it sure would be nice to see her in love again. But with my brother? Nah"

"Ariana. I think you shouldn't be so harsh on him. You guys have been separated for so long and he's finally back"

"That's the thing Jake. We've been separated for so long that I got use to being alone. I don't know how to treat him"

"Just try to be nice"

"Okay I'll try"

Just as Jim finishes with his locker, the warning alarm goes off and students start dispersing into their various classes.

"Alright let's get to class" Jake says and we all turn towards geometry class

We walk into a rowdy class with unorganized students everywhere. Guys are probably talking about football games while girls are obviously gossiping or talking about the parties they attended during the weekend.

Typical of Clifford high students

Everyone keeps shut when we walk in, which is kind of annoying. Then they start whispering, definitely commenting on Jim. And wondering his connection with us.
Luckily, I don't hear any of the little murmurs from desperate girls

I spot Hailey at the back of the class at our usual spot, so I lead Jake and Jim there.

"Took you guys long enough" Hailey says making space for me while Jake and Jim sit behind us. She was obviously bored and lonely

"Sorry Hailey. Jake and I had to talk and Jim had to organize his locker"

"Oh cool" she says. She seems distant

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just feeling a little dizzy"

"Do you need to see a nurse?"

"I think I do" she says putting her hand on her head

"Um... Jake I'll be back. I need to accompany Hailey to the nurse's office" I say turning to him

"What's wrong with Hailey?"

"She's a bit light headed" I say getting up and Jim does the same

"Its okay. I'll go with her he says" and Hailey and I  have eye contact.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I need to learn the routes of the school anyway, let  me just take advantage of the moment"

"Uh Okay" I say sitting back down

"Ari, you forbade me from talking to him. Remember?" Hailey whispers in my ear

"I know. I change my mind. He's my brother after all"

"If you say so" she says standing up "let's go Jim"




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