Chapter 18- He's back too?

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"Um... Hello?" I say when Jake finally picks my call after completely ignoring me for 2 days


" are you Jake? I've been tryna reach you for sometime now but you haven't picked any of my calls"

"What do you want Ariana"

"I just wanted to explain..."

"Explain what? There's nothing to explain dear Ariana. I saw everything so what more can you possibly want to explain?"

"I'm sorry Jake. I didn't mean to..." I say with teary eyes as he cuts me short

"You didn't mean to what? Look, I can't deal with this right now. Bye"

And he didn't even give me a chance to breathe before ending d call.  OMG, why can't I be happy? Why are the stars against me

I walk over to my bed to cuddle with my pillows and cry on them also. I can't think of any better thing to do right now.



"I'm so sorry" I say getting up from my bed to stand in front of a very disappointed Jake "I can explain please"

"Explain what? You where just kissing the asshole over there" he says pointing to Damien"

"Hey, no need to insult me man" Damien says standing up "and don't shout at her, she's hurt enough"

"Oh she's hurt enough, that's why you decided to take advantage of her vulnerability to kiss her? Did it ever occur to you that she had a boyfriend?"

"Wait, had? I still have a boyfriend Jake and its you. I love you!"

"Well I don't think so Ariana, if you did you wouldn't have fallen for his temptations and kissed him"

"I didn't kiss him Jake. He kissed me. I'm sorry"

"But I didn't force you to do anything Ariana. You said you have feelings for me too"

"Ariana seriously?" Jake asked squeezing his fists together so hard

"I...I don't know. You of all people know how hard this past weeks have been. I was a little confused with my emotions"

"Oh so when you said you loved me, you didn't mean it. You just said it"

"No Jake. I know I have feelings for you"

"Same thing you said to Damien. But that doesn't mean you love me. God I was so stupid to actually think you'd ever love me again. You only did it out of pity right? Cause of what I told you. You didn't wanna let me down or hurt me, so the next thing that came to your mind was to lie right?"

"No Jake!" I say crying

"You love him, he's your boyfriend. So why didn't you tell him about your dad?" 

"Damien stop" I say between tears

"Wait. Your dad? What is he talking about"

"Her dad is back. Over 2 weeks ago. And she didn't tell you. Instead she confided in me"

"Damien. Get out now!"

"Is he telling the truth?" Jake asks turning to me

"I'm sorry Jake" I say between tears

"Oh. So not only are you a cheat, but you're also a liar now? Jesus Ariana!"

"Hey don't talk to her like that" Damien says stepping up

"You're not gonna tell me how I should and shouldn't talk to my girlfriend" Jake  said making sure to stress 'my girlfriend'

"Oh so now she's your girlfriend"

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