Chapter 10- catching up

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"Its 12pm and you're still sleeping" Hailey yells badging into my room ready to lecture me about why its good to wake up early blah blah blah

"Hailey, its Saturday. I need to sleep" I whine throwing a pillow at her face

"Common get up, you've had more than enough time to sleep. Its 12 for Christ's sake Ari"

"Fine mum. I'll get up"

"Ha ha very funny. You have five minutes to shower and get dressed"

"So what are our plans for today"

"We could order pizza and watch a movie, or we could skip the movie to talk"

"I suggest we skip the movie" I say as I step into the bathtub


"Or we could go to pops instead. We'll be able to talk better there"

"Sounds cool"


"Where's my mum Hailey" I ask as we both walk downstairs

"She left a note for you by the fridge, she had to meet up with some friends. She'll be back before dinner"

"Even though we're alone right now, I'll still suggest we go out. I've been craving strawberry milkshakes for a while now"

"Okay let's go"

When we get there we take a seat on the same table we seat on every time we come here; almost like a booth, near the kitchen but fairly away from the door and we're facing the entrance to the restaurant. So when someone walks in, we'll be the first to know. Well everyone will also notice immediately because the bell by the door would ring. it's our tradition. Cool though.

"Uhm hey guys" Mona, the waitress says

"Hey Mona! How have you been?" Hailey says enthusiastically

"Fine fine. Haven't seen you guys here in months"

"Yeah. We've been busy" I shrug

Mona's like 17 and she's really cool. We've bonded over milkshakes and pancake's. She's like the only young worker here

"So what  are you guys having" she smiles at us, she's really pretty though

"Uhm, I'll have whatever Ari will have" Hailey says turning to me and then Mona

"Right. Ari what are you gonna order"

"I'll jus take a strawberry milkshake and breakfast pancake's"

"Cool. Your order will be ready in like 5 to 10mins girls"

"Okay Mona" Hailey waves and Mona walks away

"So..." Wanna tell me who your present victim is" I say smiling like a deranged baby

"Well... Let's say, Kelly Hudson"

"What! Of all the boys in school, you chose to be banging Kelly Hudson?! Thought his d**k was like smaller than normal"

"Nope. Its actually just fine and he can satisfy anyone. Even the hopeless"

"Well if he could satisfy a hopeless girl like you, then Sistur I believe you" I say laughing

"Yeah yeah, whatever"
And just then Mona brings our food

"Thanks" we both say at the same time

"No problem" she says walking away and me and Hailey dig in

"I seriously missed pops pancake's" I say savouring the taste in my mouth

"Me too"

"So Hailey, are you and Kelly just having sex or are there strings attached"

"Nope, its strictly sex and we're both cool with it"

"Oh my God Hailey"

"Well forget about me first. What about you Ari, still single and not ready to mingle"

"Well..." I say giving her that "bitch think again" look

"Oh my God Ari! Are you finally dating again?" She yells a little bit too loud and people start staring

"Hailey. Keep your voice down"

"Sorry. Just got a little excited"

"I see"

"So who are you dating ari"

"I wouldn't say we're dating though but we shared a little kiss and he told me he hasn't been able to stop thinking about me and the kiss and I think that... That bastard!"

I yell a little bit too loud when I see Damien entering into the restaurant with a cute girl from the cheer leaders squad, which earns me more glares from customers

"What's wrong" Hailey asks tracing my gaze until her eyes land on Damien "uhm, I thought Damien and Lana recently broke up. Seems he replaced her so fast"

Yeah with me... And then 10 other girls!

"Ari why are you glaring at him like that? Oh my God! Is he the one you were talking about?"

"Yes Hailey. He is"

"What. So you ended up catching feelings for Damien huh? At least you're over your phobia for feelings and relationships"

"Well I was. Until just now at least"

"Ari. The both of you aren't an item yet, so he has every right to take any girl of his choice out"

"Well why didn't he ask me if I wanted to go out"

And she just shrugs and takes a sip from her milkshake

I keep staring hoping he'll look in my direction and he finally does and I notice the shock in his eyes. He gets up and walks to my table but I just act like I don't notice him

"Hey Ariana" he says standing in front of me "Hailey" he says nodding at her and she waves slightly

"Nice running into you here huh?"

"Yeah, it is. But Hailey and I were just about to leave" I say getting up

"We were?" Hailey asks not catching the drift that I wanted  to leave

"We were Hailey. You suggested we leave 5mins ago, remember?"

"Oh yeah I did. I'm really tired and I need to head home" she says getting up

"Oh. Cool, I guess I'll see you later?" He says, more like asking though

"Sure Damien. You can go back to your table now, you wouldn't wanna keep your date waiting now, would you?"

"Uhm... No" he says waving his hands through his hair


"Bye" and then we walk to the counter to pay for our breakfast before walking out of the store. and the whole time, Damien stands by our table staring at me which makes me a bit uncomfortable but it also makes me wanna smile but I manage to conceal it. And I notice that the hot Cheer leader who I think is Jane Lori, keeps checking her watch and scuffing and trying to get  his attention all at once.

"Oh we have a lot of catching up to do Ari" Hailey says getting into the passenger's seat of my car. I drove

"I know" I say getting in and then we drive away


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