Chapter 3- desperate bitch

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"Rise and shine sunshine" mum  says as she opens my curtains "you're almost late for school"

Ugh, I must have been so tired last night that I forgot to set my alarm before going to bed

"Oh no!" I scream getting out of bed "I have to be early today"

"Common Darling, there's hot water in the bathroom. Bathe and come downstairs for breakfast. Okay?"

"I'll pack my breakfast. There's no time" I say getting into the bathtub

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I have a meeting with Mrs Bee, the literature teacher"

"Oh, I've met her once or twice  before


"Hey hails" I say approaching her by our locker "you wouldn't believe what happened yesterday when you left" I say with so much enthusiasm

"Jake asked you to be his girlfriend again" she says with hopeful eyes

"Nooo, why would he want me back when he never loved me in the first place"

That bast**d. He came to  me with a beautiful story of love, promising me that he'll never stop loving me and that we'll last forever. And next thing I know, he's cheating on me with Kayla ray, one of the hottest girls in our school. Then I found out and confronted him, and he promised he'll never cheat again. But he continued until it was unbearable so I had to breakup with him and we haven't talked since then. We have a few classes together tho, but we act like we've never met before.

"Blah, so what happened"

"Gerry visited me" I say hoping to get a gasp or something like that from her but all I get is a so! Seriously

"Is that supposed to be a big deal?"

"Yeah..! Like when did we become so close that he'll visit without the rest of the group" I say giving her a pointed look"

"Yeah yeah, whatever" she says looking so uninterested.

"What's wrong Hailey"

"Its nothing. Common let's get to class" she says walking away.



We're currently in a meeting with Mrs Bee our school counselor and literature teacher.
"Okay students let's get down to business" she says standing up from her chair.

"Y'all are in this class for a reason" she says adjusting her glasses "it's either you're intelligent or you need help with your grades" she says earning loud growls from the students.

"Silence. Now I'm going to share each of you into a group of 3 consisting of a after school tutor and 2  students" and the hall burst into loud growls once again.

Non of us were actually interested  in tutoring or extra classes.

"Growl all you want but you'll still have to take part in this"

"Moving forward" she  says taking out a list from her bag "uhmm, can Ariana stones, Damien stocks and Jake miles please stand up" she says looking round the class for us

Wait.. Did she just say Jake miles? Like  Jake as in my ex boyfriend Jake miles? What the f**k..!

Why do I have to be paired with Jake and Damien of all people present in this room.

I guess Mrs Bee is tryna make my life a living hell. Hopefully I'll be able to do a switch later.

After about one minute of utter  silence, the 3 of us stand up with a look of shock on our faces.

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