Chapter 4- Cheri

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So today my extra lessons with Jake miles, my ex boyfriend as my tutor and Damien stocks, Lana Avril's boyfriend as my co-student begins. What could possibly go wrong? I mean I'm gonna have a lot of fun and I won't end  up miserable, right. Loosing my breath every time I talk to Jake isn't such a big deal, its pretty normal

Yeah, I'm a bit sarcastic, I know

"Ari dear" mum calls from downstairs "Hailey is here to pick you up"

"I'll be right there" I say hanging  my back pack over my shoulder

"Bye mum" I say as we walk out of the house

"Have fun at school honey"

Ha! She said fun.


"So your lessons with Jake begins today" Hailey says breaking the two minutes silence after getting into her car.


"How weird that Mrs Bee had put the both of you in same group. Maybe you'll actually enjoy the lessons"

"Hell no hails. We both know how he makes me feel whenever we're near each other"
I know its been almost a year since our break up but still, anytime we walk pass each other in class, cafeteria, library or any other place in the school, I always forget how to breathe properly

"Yeah. But the two of you are stuck together for a while"

"I know. And its worse that  Damien stocks is also in my group"

"Why so"

"Cause we may bond over the lessons and become friends. And then Lana Avril will make it her life's mission to make my life more miserable than it already is"

"True. So unfortunate. Why don't you try dating again"

"Nah, I'll pass. Don't wanna get hurt again"

"You can't hide in your shell forever you know"

"Whatever. Look who's talking, you stopped dating long before I did"

"Well I stopped cause I felt like. You stopped cause you're scared"

"So I'm so over this conversation" I say as she drives into the school's parking lot.

"And Jake is making matter's worse for me by calling me cheri"

"Maybe he still likes you"



So my day is going pretty smooth and kinda normal. No drama from anywhere and surprisingly Jake hasn't attended any of the classes we have together.

It's lunch break and my friends and I are sitting in our usual table, and today I joined in the conversation. Sam is telling a story which is pretty funny and we're all laughing right now. I don't think anything can ruin my mood.

"Hey cheri" ugh, guess I spoke too soon once again
We all look up to see Jake standing right in front of me smirking  arrogantly

"Why do you keep calling me cheri" I manage to say without stammering or making a complete fool out of my self
"I have a name and its Ariana"

"Well, I'd rather call you cheri, cheri"
Ugh, is he purposely trying to get on my nerves? What the f**k.

"Why are you here"

"Just wanted to let you know that we'll be meeting in my house by 5 today"

"Why do we have to meet at your house? Why can't we meet somewhere else like the library or a restaurant"

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