Sick Of Being Sensitive.

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Violet felt her heart begin to race, beating faster and faster by the second.

She wasn't ready yet. She had an entire plan to decipher. A plan that would allow Clementine to grief but still be close to her. She didn't want this to be the reason she slipped away. She worked too hard for that. 

For one mistake to be the downfall of their relationship. She played her cards too carefully for one simple setback to ruin their entire connection. 

Brody powered off her phone, taking a deep breath before looking at the hazel-eyed brunette then away again. 

Just as a waiter walked by, Brody stopped them, asking for containers to store their food in. 

"What're you doing? I still have a whole meal left." Becca practically hissed at Brody, slowly growing agitated with everything surrounding her. Brody wouldn't want to cause a scene in the fine establishment, so she remained silent. 

"Is everything okay?" Violet chimed in, already knowing what the answer was going to be. Her pulse still raced, beating against her ribcage. Her face was pale with fear, terrified of what would happen next. 

"We just- we gotta go. Something bad happened." Brody breathed out quickly, trying not to lose herself as she began to panic. The blood drained from her face, representing the sickness that filled her soul. 

The waiter came back with the containers and began packing their food for them. 

"How was your stay, ladies?" She asked politely, acknowledging the tension at the table, but making a swift attempt to lighten the mood. 

"It was great, thank you for asking." Clementine answered, trying not to seem as worried on the outside as she was on the inside. 

"Service could've been better, but other than that, the food was amazing." Becca snarked, grabbing the bag from the workers hand and slipping her fingers through the loop, preparing herself to carry it to the car. 

"Thank you very much for your honesty, ma'am. Heres your bill." The woman did her best to not show any signs of bitterness in her tone of voice, being as respectful as she could. 

Sophie grabbed the rest of the bags as everyone else packed up, being responsible as usual. 

They began to walk to the front door. It was silent. Awkward. Even though they barely walked for 20 seconds. 

Violet opened the doors for the ladies, watching them come out one at a time. She could see the looks of each one of them as they made their way past her. Each Woman had a particular look to them, but was now really the time to focus on that? 

Sophie threw her bags into the backseat of Brodys jeep, Slowly but surely preparing herself for whatever was about to come out of the redhead's mouth. 

Becca stood in front of her car, clutching her pocketbook alongside her food, with a look of impatience and irritation deeply carved into her features. 

Brody pulled her phone out of her back pocket, blood rushing to her fingertips. She didn't wanna do this.

Clementine waited patiently, still holding onto her bags gently, waiting for Brody. 

"Clem, just... look." Brody faced to phone to the brunette, revealing the news to her as the others huddled around.  

It was a news article. 

"Police investigating after the body of a man; Marlon Stoudamire, 23 was recovered earlier this morning in Macon river. Police say there was no sign of foul play." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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