All Of Her.

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italics= flashback

Violet seemed like the average adult. She worked a good-paying job, had a car, a house of her own, visited her family now and then, had good friends... everything.

But there was something off with her. She knew it but never faced it.

She didn't mind though. She thought everyone was like this.

That was until she talked to a therapist.

Then she was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD.

A mental disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations, and behaviors that drive them to do something over and over again. Often, they feel as though they have no choice and carry out the actions to itch their urge.

Was it taken seriously? No. Nobody cared. She told her mother, took medicine, controlled herself, and everything was in order.

Until she met Clementine.

After she met her, everything fell out of place. She began watching her, noting her every move, watching all of her social media accounts, going through all of her likes, comments, and posts. Going through every account that followed her, making sure she was still single, watching her best friends, ex's, family members, everything.

She watched everything she did. She always made time to check up on her. Checking up on her would be watching her stories on Instagram, going through her posts and making sure no one was commenting heart eyes if they weren't a friend. She wanted to make sure Clementine was safe and sound.

No matter if she was at work or home, she always had time for Clementine.


"Sorry about that." Clementine smiled shyly, her excited honey gold eyes nervously watching Violet's face, waiting for a reaction.

Violet looked at Clementine without emotion, admiring her cocoa butter skin, curly brown hair that bounced off of her shoulders lightly, her Golden eyes, how her shoulders tensed up slightly, yet her collar bones sat assuredly.

The shakiness of her voice sent a chill through Violet's body as she cherished the sight before her.

"No, no, no, it's okay, no need to apologize." Violet gave Clementine a trusting smile, speaking boldly, her posture standing strong for once in her life.

Their eyes locked.

"I guess I owe you an introduction now..?" Clementine's cheeks turned a bright red as she tried to turn away to hide it, failing miserably.

"I wouldn't say owe, but I'd love to get to know you though." The green-eyed Cassanova stuck her hands in her pockets, sitting on the table behind her.

"Well, I'm Clementine. Nice to meet you." She grinned once more, her almost pearly white teeth shining along with her skin, reaching her hand out.

"Violet." The blonde greeted back, taking Clementine's hand in her own and placing a soft kiss on it. That was the most affection she'd felt in years.

Violet noted that Clementine's cheeks had turned into an even deeper red, her eyes filled with curiosity and possibly even lust.

"So, you're a harry potter fan? Wonderful taste, but I'd recommend 'The Help'. Now that's a good book." Violet began to make small talk to get to know what she was dealing with just a little better. "Well, My friend keeps telling me to read it, so, I decided to give it a chance." The brunette shrugged her shoulders, drawing Violet's eyes to them before she continued speaking.

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