Forcing Friendships.

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Violet could feel the adrenaline racing through her body as she began to dig a hole, using all of her strength. Her arms burned. They were slowly turning into noodles, but she couldn't stop. She didn't need to be out of the house for too long. She didn't want to be connected to this if anything was to come up or be discovered. She was burying him in a forest for Christ's sake. Dogs go there and sniff shit out all the time. 

Not only did she have to dig the hole, but she had to drag his body down the path, careful not to leave any tire marks that would link her to the crime scene. She would lose Clementine forever. She wouldn't be able to live with herself, knowing that Clementine thought of her as a dangerous person when all she ever did was protect her. 

Marlon's screams were muffled by the duct tape she slapped onto his face to shut him up. "Shut the fuck up, Marlon. No one can hear you." Violet grunted as she threw the dirt to the side carelessly. Marlon kept screaming. The voices in her head grew louder and louder. 

"Just kill him."

"Do it." 

"Violet, he's not worth it. Just leave him here." 

"Are you fucking dumb? He knows what she looks like! KILL HIM."

"Please, don't do it, Violet."

"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP." Violet yelled, her face glowing red from all of the frustration building up inside of her. "This shit is too hard. Fuck this. I'm throwing him in the lake. Does that sound better?" Violet asked the voices, running her plan by them as she began to check herself and the area for any evidence. She evened out the dirt, making it seem as though nothing happened there. She threw a few leaves around the area and checked her gloves for any cuts, scratches, or any open areas, in particular, that may allow her fingerprints to be left behind. "I know, they're all good." Violet chuckled, grabbing the shovel firmly. 

Marlon watched with fear written across his face. He believed she was genuinely a psychopath as he watched her have an entire conversation with herself. His eyes widened as he realized the shovel in her hand was being lifted up over her shoulder. 

"I know, I'm not gonna slice his head open with the fucking shovel, dumb ass." Violet scoffed, readying her muscle, preparing herself to slam it with just enough force. 

Her arms were noodles at this point, but she had just enough strength to knock him out. 


She dropped his body next to her on the dock. She took in the sight of the water in front of her. It was amazingly peaceful even with the knowledge of what she had just done. She didn't necessarily feel any sort of guilt. She just felt sorry for him because he was a dumb ass.  

Violet grabbed him by his legs and dumped him into the water. She watched the body sink as bubbles floated to the top in the midst of him sinking. Even if he did wake up, he wouldn't be able to move. She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket, wiping the shovel down, leaving no traces of her DNA anywhere, and threw the heavy object into the water, right along with Marlon. 

Her work was done. There was no reason to stick around. 


Violet got felt a buzz in her pocket. It was Clementine, sneaking a text message to her of course. 

"I'm sorry if you don't like Becca. She's a little hard to like at first, but it gets better (:" 

Violet smiled at her phone softly. She didn't care about Becca. She's just glad that she got to spend time with Clementine for as long as she could. She got to make her happy and that's all that really mattered. 

"So, Violet, you're kinda cute. Got any brothers?" Becca smirked, expecting a wide-eyed, embarrassed, red-cheeked response from Violet, but she kept her cool. She was never flattered by anyone who wasn't Clementine. Flirting didn't phase her unless she was truly interested. And she definitely was not into this self-centered brunette who had "condescending" written all over her forehead. 

"I have a few brothers. All of age as well. Just as successful as me. Victor, Vincent, and Vance, and If you just so happen to swing both ways, I have sisters as well. All of age. Vanessa and Valentina." 

Violet gave her what she didn't expect to hear. She knew that threw Clementine off. It was a bit weird for her to ask a random question like that. "You're Italian?" Becca wondered, crossing her legs elegantly, resting her head in her hand as her elbows sat on the table. It seemed as though she was flirting in a way, but also trying to get Violet caught up. 

"Yeah. My dad is like, 100% Italian, and we're all mutts. He had kids with a white lady, but we turned out fine." Violet answered smugly, sitting back in her seat, waiting for the food. 

"Italians have quite a reputation. So, tell me, is the stereotype true?" Becca pried, ignoring the conversation the others were having about nothingness. "What stereotype?"

"You know, the fascination with pasta, being romantic, clean... all that good shit." Becca chuckled, knowing she was slowly getting on Violet's nerves. "Well, we don't obsess over pasta, we just love to cook with a passion... we're romantic, and uh... my house is spotless. My dad didn't like a dirty house, so, we all cleaned, so, if you end up talking to one of my brothers, he isn't gonna make you do all the work. My parents weren't sexist." Violet chuckled at that last part, trying her best to get along with Becca. She could feel the tension between them. Their conversation wasn't genuine. They hated each others guts in a way but would tolerate it, only for Clementine's sake. 

The waitress placed the plates down onto the table one by one, able to memorize who ordered what. She made sure there would be no blunders with the food. Becca had a gluten allergy. God forbid her tongue itched for a bit. She would sue the life out of their restaurant. 

"Gluten-free, right?" Becca asked with a stern tone, waiting for a mistake. She couldn't wait to talk her head off. "Yes, ma'am." The waitress forced a smile just to please Becca. "Thanks a lot." Clementine smiled gently, her eyes almost disappearing with it. "You're welcome, miss." 

And with that, she walked off. 

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Clementine asked, loving how the two seemed as though they clicked instantly. "Well, Violet was just telling me about a little bit of her life. You got a good one this time. She's romantic, she can cook, clean, and she's successful? That's a keeper." Becca gently smiled, forcing it of course. 

Just as Clementine dug into her food, Brody gasped, holding her hand to her heart. 

"What's wrong?" Clementine's smile dropped, fear taking over her body. 

Violet knew exactly what was happening. 

They found the body. 

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