Modern AU!Eren x Modern AU!Levi (Rainy Day Cuddles)

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It was a rainy day and Levi was in his bedroom that he and Eren shared, reading a book. Eren was taking a nap on the bed next to him as per-usual rainy day scheduled activities. Levi glanced outside the window and saw a flash of lightening crash in the horizon. He knew what would happen next. A booming crash of thunder sounded throughout the house, waking up Eren from his peaceful sleep. Eren has always had a fear of thunder, not to mention a fear of thunderstorms. Eren was scared, and was visibly shaking.
"Eren, it's going to be alright, okay? I'm here." Levi said soothingly to the other boy as he put down his book and embraced Eren.
"I know, i-it's just that it gives me bad memories." Eren muttered. Both him and Levi would have weird dreams sometimes and certain events would give them cases of deja-vu. Hell, it was even how they met each other. Needless to say, if it was something that gave them a sense of fear, they would both do their best to comfort the other.
"I know baby, I know. I've got you now, alright? Whatever comes at you, I'll kick it's ass." Levi said comfortingly, nuzzling his face into Eren's hair. This went on for a while, and Eren fell back asleep. As Levi watched Eren nap on him, he smiled at knowing the fact he has a loving little brat to keep by his side.

Levi x Eren Oneshots (Ereri/Riren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora