"Abandon Temple."

Start from the beginning

Cho Dou, Cho Lie, and Cho Kia squinted their eyes. The tiny figure on top of one of the snake head look like.... Their Master?!?!! Eh!

"M-Master!!" Everyone eyes widen in shock.

"Hello everyone!" Chun Zhiming wave happily as she gleefully laugh.

The other let out a sigh. "Master, don't scare us like that," Cho Dou said. 

"Sorry, Ming Ming is sorry. Hehe- look, I caught us dinner."

The four headed snake colors went pale. 

"Luckily I brought my knife," Cho Dou said like it's a normal thing.

"But we need a pot. A huge pot just looking at the size of the snake," Cho Lie put a hand on her chin trying to figure out how they're going get a huge pot. Could she just make one?

Cho Kai lowly growl like he's trying to say something.

"Big brother is right, we could just roast it," she said, "I'm going to see if there's any wood around."

None of the three siblings notice the abnormal paleness on the snakes nor did they notice the silver chains on them was shaking. Even if they did, why would they care? They where hungry from all the training they had done.

"Wait!" A sudden unfamiliar voice called out.

Everyone one stop, the three siblings turn around to see whom voice is it. To their surprised, it was one of the snakes with a diamond shape crown on its head... But the bruises on its face is hard to tell what kind of shape it is.

"Eh!! You can talk?!!!"



"Please, my siblingssss and I don't mean no harm," the same snake said.

It wasn't only the three siblings were shock, even Chun Zhiming. When she was bea--playing with the snakes: none of them talk to her!

Thinking about this, she pout and cross her arms like someone wrong her.

"We are one of the guardian beastsss who protect this temple over a million yearsss ago, we really mean no harm. We really are harmless," said another snake.

The three siblings still have suspicious in their eyes: harmless? If you were harmless than why are you a guardian beast that supposed to protect this place. How are you going to get intruders out. Tch! As if we believe you, just because we were slaves before doesn't mean we're stupid!

"Master, what do you think?" Asked Cho Dou.

"Humph! Let's eat them," Chun Zhiming said without hesitation while putting up a haughty attitude.

The giant snake shiver in dreadful fear: "Pleassse, mighty one don't eat usss, we didn't mean to attack you."

"No! You are a liar, liar, snake! Ming Ming is going to eat you!" Chun Zhiming was unfazed.

"We truly--Eh? W-what do your greatness mean?"

"You know what Ming Ming mean. All four of you are liar, liar! You didn't tell Ming Ming you can talk and when I talk to you, you didn't talk to Ming Ming, humph!" Chun Zhiming said with a teary eyes.

Seeing it, the three siblings was ignite with great fury: Eat!! We'll eat that snake to death!!

"Cho Lie! Go find the wood, We're going to have a roasted snake for dinner!!" Cho Dou said.

Cho Lie didn't need to be told twice, she was already prepared.

The three siblings scattered around to prepare a great feast. Yes, they were determine that the snake is going to be their dinner.

"Wait! Please! It wasn't our fault, we didn't mean for it! Don't eat ussss!!" All the four headed snake cried out. Literally, tears came out from their eyes with snot like they have already foreshadow their death. They truly are pitiful.

"Stop," Chun Zhiming called out stopped everyone like they're waiting for their King next command.

"Little snake, are you sure you didn't mean to lied to Ming Ming?" Asked the small child with her hands on her hips like a mother waiting for her child to finally admit their crime.

"Yessss, we truly didn't mean it. We were just scared that's all. We didn't mean to stay silent," the four headed snake quickly nod.

Chun Zhiming blink, "Scared? Why would you be scare, no one was in the tunnel when Ming Ming found you..unless...your scared of the dark!"

The four headed snake really want to coughed out blood: dark? Who is scared of the dark?!! It's you whom we're scared of!! You!!!

They wanted to cry.

No one pity the four headed snake except Shou Yin, who was still silent; after all, he knows exactly how the snake feel.

"It's okay, Ming Ming is here. No one will hurt you," Chun Zhiming comfort, yet she didn't notice her comfort only cause more fear in the snake heart.

But at the ground, the three siblings stared at the snake with envy: how nice it would be if it was them their master's comforting.

If the four headed snake know these three thoughts, they would surely say: nice? Nothing is nice about this! If you guys want it than take it!

And Shou Yin would definitely agreed with them.

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