How we met

48 9 2

Bianca's p.o.v.

This isn't possible!

I lifted my gaze from his shoes to his face, with my mouth open. His black hair was shaggy giving him a rusted look.  But this time, instead if his lips being pulled into a smirk, they were quirked downwards.

He was frowning.

I didn't want to give him the pleasure of knowing that I knew him so I feigned ignorance.

"Who are you? " I gulped.

"Who are you expecting? " he voiced out in a gruff voice. His voice was so dark and hard.

I didn't want to argue so I decide to play nice. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm guessing you're our guest for this ye--"

"Can you just show me my room. " he interrupted rudely. I was shocked would be an understatement. Anyway I don't know what I was expecting from Alec.

I nodded slowly. "Sure. Follow me. "

I noticed he wasn't holding any luggage but I kept quiet about it. I led him towards the stairs and we climbed up. The silence was eating me whole as we passed the corridor to the guest room. I was taking him to the one farthest away from Brad's which was two rooms away from mine. Perfect!

I reached the door and swivelled to face him. He had a bored expression on his face but that didn't stop me.

"Here's your room. You'll find everything you need here. " I smiled, "I hope. "

He grunted in response. What a waste of a handsome face!

"Excuse me. " he snarled with an offended tone. I was confused for a second before realizing I said that out loud. I slapped my hand on my mouth, backing away from him.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean that. I swear. " I rambled and my cheeks heated up. His fists were clenched and he looked so angry.

He moved closer to me and my breath hitched. I could smell his strong cologne engulfing my senses. I refuse to lift my gaze to meet his.

"Listen here, princess," he hissed, "stay out of my fucking way. You wouldn't like the consequences. "

I gulped.

"...or else." he continued, his breath fanning my face.

"Or else what? "

I snapped my head to the voice to see Brad, fuming. His fist were clenched as he matched his way over to us. Alex's eyes were boring holes through his body as he leaned off me.

"Get the fuck out of my house! "Brad shouted, standing tall.

Alec scoffed. "What makes you think I'm going to do that? "

Somehow his calm composure disturbed me. He didn't even seem bothered. Then I remembered he and Brad are already enemies at school. They both belong to the different popular tables. Great! Two enemies forced to live together.

"Listen here, punk. " Brad fumed, "you're going to pack your fucking bags and you're going to step out of this house. "

Alec turned his gaze to me and I gulped. "What? " he asked, " this your fucking boyfriend or something ?"

The thought alone was revolting. It all happened so fast I was lucky I got to process it. Brad raised his fist to push Alex but I stepped in front just in time. I held his fist, pushing him back.

"Stop it!" I hissed through clenched teeth as I dropped his fist. Brad glared at Alec, pointing his finger at him.

"You're goddamned lucky. You'd have a broken nose by now!" Brad shouted over to Alex as I dragged him in the opposite direction.

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