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(Stephanie Fetcher above)

Bianca's p.o.v

I sighed in relief, content with how I looked. I stared into the mirror, watching my reflected features with a smile. My black hair was pulled into a ponytail, reaching my mid waist.

My lips were filled into a false smile, my nose scrunched up. My cheeks were flush red for no reason, making me scowl. I'm starting to believe my favorite part of each day is bringing down my self esteem by looking into the mirror. I just don't like my looks.

But today's just not any day. It's my first day as a senior in Elite High. I've been dreading this day since the holidays.

"Bianca! Come down. Right now! "

I sighed in frustration, cringing at my mother's voice. I was never that close to my mother like I was with my dad. She always got on my nerves, especially these past few days. I feel like she and dad are hiding something.

I grabbed my phone from the stand, giving myself a quick glance in the mirror. I sigh, shutting the door behind me. I see my mother setting the plates downstairs and her eyes move up to meet mine.

I descend slowly just to annoy her. When I finally reached before her, she was fuming. Her fists were clenched and she was as red as a tomato. Her brown wavy curls bobbed agisnt her shoulder, making her looking younger than she actually is.

"Good morning. " I greet, smiling at the plates of pancakes.

"The morning is good only for you. " she muttered, pulling out a seat for me. No matter how much we both fought, I knew very well how much she loved me.

I took my seat and began digging in. "Where's dad and Brad? "

As if on cue, Brad walked into the hall. We were both twins, but I swear on my life he got the best looks. He had shaggy jet black hair that brushed against his forehead. His thin lips were pulled into a smirk, making him look all the more better.

Brad was the quarterback of Elite High, making him one of the cool jocks. The one all the girls drooled over. It disgusts me.

He walked over to the table, picking an apple from the fruit bowl. "Good morning mother. " he flashed her a smile and she blushed.

"Bianca, if you weren't my twin, I'd think you were checking me out. " he took a bite of his apple.

I turned red. "Come out of whatever make believe fantasy you're living in. I think you've lost a few brain cells. "

He hummed. "I'll let it slide this time. But the next time... not so much. "

He came closer to me ruffling my hair. I smacked his hand off. Despite our frequent fights, he was the best brother I could ever ask for. Sometimes.

"Where are you going? " mother asked Brad as he was making his way to the front door. He turned, with his brows raised .

"I don't know if you've forgotten, mother. But I'm a student and I go to school. " he mocked.

I snickered.

My mother's face flushed red. "Yes, yes I know. But just sit down for a bit. "

"Since when did we start sitting down for a bit. I have to ---"

Brad was cut off as my father had strolled into the hall. He was adjusting his tie, a frown on his face. He has black hair which Brad had inherited, with few grey streaks. (Oh how happy It would be if Brad got those too.)

He pulled his chair back, sitting casually. My father, Connor O'Neill is the owner of the most successful law firm in the country. He and mom are always busy they hardly get to see us. They leave home early and come back late. But it still doesn't stop me from spending time with him.

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