Everything Went Black

Start from the beginning

"Where is Kirishima and Mina?" The other students listened in, for they were just as interested. Since Echiko was new, her presence wasn't established in the classroom atmosphere yet. On the contrary, Mina had made a name for herself in the hero class. Everyone had noticed her disappearance.

"Recovery Girl," the teacher said calmly. Everyone's eyes widened. What could have happened? Did Echiko actually get hurt in the fight this morning?

Now even Katsuki was listening. He wasn't necessarily worried, but he didn't want Echiko to be hurt. Not to mention the silence in the classroom was deafening.

"What happened?" Uraraka asked, worry mingling with her voice. Aizawa, being the tired, busy man he is, didn't even look up.

"Nothing, Echiko just needs a new uniform."

"MR. AIZAWA! YOU CAN'T SCARE US LIKE THAT!" Multiple students shouted. Other students sighed. Katsuki tsked. He was never worried, but he was glad to know that any suspicions he didn't have weren't true.

"All you asked was where they were," Aizawa said, stating the obvious, "Now, stop this chatter! We actually have work to do." (him saying chatter is weird. is that just me? also, "chatter chatter chatter. you never stop talking".)


"Is that fine hon?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you."

Echiko had felt super awkward taking time out of Aizawa's busy schedule and asking him a question, but at least Mina was there. Because of her, they both made it to Recovery Girl's office.

"You two should head back to class now before you are too late," the old woman said in a cheery, grandmother like tone. Echiko was glad that the nurse was such a sweet old lady. She was very understanding too.

Echiko pulled around the bottom and chest area of the blazor one more time. It was a little tight around her chest (yes, i am a child. no, this will not matter later......unless). Besides that though, she didn't have any complaints. She was told she could get a new uniform at the end of the day.

"Bye Chiyo-Sensei!" Mina said waving as she pulled on Echiko's arm. Echiko gave a little bow and let herself be dragged out by the pink blob. She tried not to think of how much trouble she caused for everyone, and instead focused on her walking and breathing. It was a tactic she had used since she was young.

Breath in, breath out. One step, two steps, three steps.

She felt herself relax before realizing how close to the classroom she had gotten. A knot formed in her stomach and her throat tightened. She tried to focus on her breathing again, but now her mind was filled with thoughts instead of commands. She swallowed, trying to get her throat to loosen, but it only grew tigther.

"You alright?" she heard a voice ask. Mina had stopped dragging her along and instead of going to the classroom, they had stopped by the stairway. Using Mina's intervention as a way to relax, Echiko swallowed correctly and took a breath. Her lungs had seemed to expand, and she was able to take in a gulp of air.

Mina's worried face loosened as she saw Echiko do this. They were best friends in middle school, so Mina knew about some triggers Echiko had. Still, she could never tell if Echiko was only nervous, or if she was having an anxiety attack. Echiko made sure to keep that part of her life away from the pink-skinned girl.

Still, this only made Mina more worried.

"I'm fine," Echiko whispered with a tired smile. Her voice would always give out if she was thinking too hard. This was one of those times.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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