"I'm not going to pass-"

"Shh, you're a child, you don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung unscrewed the cap from a water bottle. "Come here child, you need to drink."

"You're so annoying." I smiled and rolled my eyes, continuing my pacing, ignoring him and his water.

"Rebecca." Taehyung snapped his fingers, and pointed to the ground in front of him. "Now." I narrowed my eyes and walked over to him, standing where he told me to. "Who's a good child? You! Yes you are!" He squished my cheeks and cooed at me. I tried to step away, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back.


"You didn't drink your water yet."


"Oh can I get chicken nuggets?" I leaned towards him as we pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. "Please?"

"You're 22."

"I don't care." I laughed, standing my ground as Taehyung put his face close to mine, a staring contest ensuing. "Can I get a strawberry smoothie too?" A smile blossomed on his face.

"What a cute child." He patted my head, my mouth opening in protest.

"I'm not a child-"

"You're a baby then?" He raised an eyebrow, pulling forward as we neared the ordering place. I closed my mouth and sat back in my seat, narrowing my eyes at him. "Thought so."

"You're bullying me. I'm going to sue you."

"I'm not bullying, I'm teasing."

"Nope, it's bullying. I'm calling the cops."

"I'm friends with the cops."

"Fine I'm calling Yoongi and Jin."

"Wait no-"


"And then she flies back to California to meet her-" I stopped, looking down at Taehyung's fingers intertwined with mine, his eyes still forward on the road, driving with one hand. "What are you doing?"

"Listening to you talk about your story." Taehyung glanced over at me and bit away a smile. "You stutter when you talk."

"I don't stutter I stumble over my words-that's not the point!" I held up my hand, his coming up with mine. "This is the point."

"What?" He laughed, a beautiful smile on his lips. "You told me while you were sleep deprive one night that you love it when people hold your hand so," He shook our hands. "I'm doing what you love." I didn't have anything to say. He remembered...

"The mom dies in my book."



"So that's why Jungkook really is just cheating on everything because-" Taehyung stopped talking, realizing something. Rebecca's hand has been kinda limp in his hand for a while. Making sure it was safe to take his eyes from the road, he leaned over and looked at Rebecca.

She was asleep.

"Are you kidding me?" He whispered with a smile. "I just had a conversation with myself for twenty minutes!" It was quiet, calm. He didn't know what to say. "Knowing your dumbass, you probably didn't sleep on the plane. I can see that. Your anxiety probably spiked up, being in a new enviroment and all." Taehyung saw the apartment ahead of him, slowing down to pull into the parking garage and turning off the car. "Now what?"

After realizing he couldn't carry Rebecca and all of her things up in one trip, he called for backup.

"Listen here Jeon." Taehyung leaned against the car, Rebecca's door open, the dogs chilling in the back seat. "I'm carrying her upstairs whether you like it or not."

"You're spaghetti noodle arms are going to drop her." Jungkook snorted, walking out of the elevator, having to go a bit further to meet his friend. "I'm stronger."

"I work out too dipshit." Taehyung kept his voice somewhat quiet, not wanting to wake Rebecca. "I am a very strong person."

"You're only strong when you have to carry your food from the kitchen into your bedroom." Jungkook saw Taehyung by his car, seeing her as well. "I called dibs on her in the first place."

"You can't call dibs! I hugged her first." Taehyung stood up, ending the call and crossing his arms, Jungkook doing a heel click in the air. "You are getting her luggage and dogs."

"No, I want her." Jungkook and Taehyung stood, sizing each other up.

"I get the girl Jeon."

"To the death." Jungkook smirked, Taehyung smiling as well.

"Rock paper scissors!" The two chanted at the same time, Jungkook showing paper, Taehyung scissors.

"Suck it Jeon." Taehyung poked Jungkook's head, Jungkook's shoulders dropping as Taehyung spun in a circle. "You're a dog boy anyways."

"I'm going to kill you." Jungkook pulled the dogs' leashes onto his wrist, slinging her backpack onto his back. "I would if you weren't carrying her right now."

"She's so pretty." Taehyung smiled at her as they stood in the elevator, Spots and Ozzy glaring at Jungkook from the ground.

"I wish she was awake so I could hug her and tackle you." Jungkook waved nervously at her dogs. "I think her dogs hate me."

"If I was a dog I'd hate you too."


"Your hair is trash."

"My hair is not trash-"

"Why are you carrying her?"

"Oh hi Jin-"

"Taehyung knocked her out."

"I did not!"

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