missions and connections

Start from the beginning

"Just a blaster wound. It's just a scratch," she shrugged and caressed his cheek to let him know she was healthy and alright. "It comes with my profession."

He hummed in agreement, but his face looked as if he was less than happy. "That's what I hate," his voice was smooth, yet with an angry edge to it. "You are in constant danger. All these wounds and scars..." he shook his head and turned his back to Aaliyah, but she quickly stooped him.

"No, no, we are not doing this now. We have not seen each other for weeks and I refuse to waste our time together with stupid arguments," he stood rigidly, but she still hugged him around the waist, looking up at him with pleading eyes. But he was too stubborn and absolutely hated the fact that she was risking her life being a Jedi.

"That's just it. It's not stupid, it's your life we are talking about," his face was frowning more and more each second, and the only thing she could do was nod.

"I know, I'm sorry. I would act the same if it was you."

"No, you would not. Because you are selfless, and you would think about all of those people who need help. But I am not," his hands gripped her face firmly but gently, without hurting her. "I am selfish, and I don't care about them, alright?" she was shocked at the icy tone of his voice but listed without a word. "I don't give a damn about the galaxy I care about you and your safety. The whole universe could burn for all I care," he was breathing heavily, obviously fighting with some kind of conflict inside of him. She could feel it, he was shocked and confused at his outburst too.

She pushed up on her toes to be closer to his face. His own hands slipped from her face to her waist and she grabbed his head to make him focus. "Let's forget about it tonight, please," she whispered and gave him a small kiss on the lips. "I just want to be with you," and she didn't have to beg him more. Anakin was trying to calm down for a while, but eventually he gave her a little smile. Without any more words he picked her up from the ground and carried her in the direction of his bedroom.

Aaliyah suddenly jerked her head and looked at the person who just came into the room and called her name. Obi-Wan was standing in front of her, dressed in new clothes and his injuries bandaged. Only his face was still blue from all of those bruises. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes," Aaliyah pushed her hair behind her ears and tried to act as if she wasn't just thinking about her past lover. Lover she was not supposed to even have. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Just that they left already," he informed her and sat next to her on her bed they gave her when she arrived on Yavin 4 a three days ago.

"Oh, yeah right," she nodded and felt her anxiety rise, thinking about every pilot from the Rebel Alliance, that was on a mission, which could decide the future of the whole galaxy. When they came to Yavin 4, she finally found out what was Artoo carrying this whole time. Plans for Death Star. A deadly weapon, that could give Empire so much power, they would be basically indestructible, untouchable. Death Star had the power to destroy a whole planet, as they already did with Alderaan and Scarif – where the plans were stolen from by brave rebels, who sacrificed themselves for a better future. For better tomorrow.

It was said, that the man – Galen Erso – responsible for the development and creation of Death Star sabotaged his own project. That this whole time, he was perhaps against the Empire, but he knew they would find another person, who would create their superweapon, if he declined. But he gave them hope and today was the day, when the best pilots went on a mission, to destroy Death Star before it could make more damage, than it already did. They lost two planets, people on those planets. Aaliyah closed her eyes, when she thought about the fact, that she will never see the kind face of her dear friend Bail Organa.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now