Part 5: Auditions

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Sun's POV

We had to attend early to class today and I am not feeling it at all. It's 7:00 A.M and at this time i should just be getting up from my warm, comfy bed, all snuggled up.

I still haven't eaten yet, maybe i should buy something from the café across the street.

This is stupid. Why do all of the students have to come early, were not even participating in the search, but no, the teachers just had to say it's for who should be picked the best to compete.

While the teacher is nagging up in here, i'm playing games on my phone trying to pass the time.

"YES" I screamed. I got back to my senses real quick knowing there's auditions going on.

While I screamed the other teachers thought that i loved the one strutting the stage.

"I guess she's in" said the teachers.

Up next were the male contestants. Now everyone was hooked to see who would be coming up.

Gasp* it was Pleum.

'I never thought he had that much confidence' i thought while still shocked.

Only a few in the crowed cheersd for him. I guess he wasn't a fan favorite.

The auditions finally ended. Praise the Lord. I can finally eat.

I scurried down the hallway with all of the students going places.

I was in front of the café and i grinned clearly by the smell of the food and drinks being made.

"Good Morning Sir/Madam how can I help you?" The cashier said warmly

"I'll have the cookies and cream flavored waffles and a strawberry fruit drink, please" i said, reaching out for my wallet

"That'll be a total of P155" the cashier said reaching out for my two P100 bills

"Thank you" i replied while the cashier handed over my change.

"You're order will be out in 10 minutes Sir" the cashier announced as i glanced for a good seat

I nodded and sat over the edge near the airconditioning.

I really needed a cool down from the heat outside.

"Sigh, finally cold air" i exhaled

10 minutes later

"You ordered" i looked up to see In holding a tray of my food.

"Ummhh.. thank you?" I said skeptical why he handed me my food not the crew.

"You really like this order don't you" he said while putting down the tray.

"Umh" i nodded and prepared to dig in.

"How are you?" In clearly trying to start a conversation

I didn't reply, I just kept on eating cause i'm not really a conversationalist to people i'm not really close to.

He fell silent and i sighed in relief in my mind that I clearly didn't seem interested.

"You wanna hang out later?" He was at it again.

For the nth time i didn't reply and just kept on eating while scrolling through my social media.

Suddenly he pulled the tray to the other side. "Heyyy!" I whined.

"Are you answering the question?" In retorted.

I made a face, grabbed my stuff and my phone, and stormed out. "Do whatever you want!" I said in a tone

'What's his problem?' I muttered upset that i wasn't even half at my food.

I walked back to school and in to my next class. 'Ugh...Math....' I said aggrevated. I don't like math, i never really understood the lesson that well and i'm bad at numbers.

40 minutes into the class, someone knocked on the door.

"Sawadee Teacher Jinee, is Chimon here?" He said sheepishly

"Chimon" T. Jinee she said warmly "Someone's here to see you sweetie" she continued

"Yes krub?" I looked up shocked.

I looked at the door and saw In standing there like a deer in the headlights.

I was not feeling it but i stayed calm. I walked over to him and he held out a doggie bag with the logo of the café on it.

He was looking down when he handed it to me.

"I-" I closed the door before he could finish.

He was at the glass side of the door peeking in the classroom.

I smirked and trashed the food like it was yesterday's dinner.

I went back to my seat and the lesson continued

'Take my food will you ey, not even that will save you' i shrugged while thinking about it.

The day ended and i headed over to my car and there was a sticky note on my mirror.

"I'm sorry na ~In" the note read with a sad face at the bottom

I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the nearest trashbin.

I arrived home and went straight to my room.

*Ding* my phone buzzed

*1 new message*

I looked the name on top and read

*Pleum Purim*

My mind went "Nope" the second i saw the name.

I'm sorry this is too long from what i did the last chapters. And thank you for my 5 reads. That is a new record for me. Maybe ya'll just got curious about it. It's boring and i already warned in the beginning but thank you for at least a pinch of interested. I didn't update these few days because i was watching "Why R U?" The series and i just finished it this evening. See you next time readers.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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