── 18

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YOU WERE DREAMING something pleasant, the warm colours of the morning sky seeping into your room. The calm feeling washing over you makes you hum, your nose scrunching up as you smother your face into your pillow.

The sweet smell of caramel makes your mouth water, your hand slightly moving up the pillow as your fingers graze its surface. But it didn't feel right. Confused and barely conscious, you pry open your eyes and look straight in front of you.

It turned out that your pillow was actually a person, Bakugo to be exact. All of a sudden, you were completely awake, your mind running a mile a minute as the blonde snores softly next to you.

You tried your best not to panic, after all, it didn't seem like such a bad position to be in, in fact, you should've been enjoying it. After all of your nights together, this was the first time you've woken up together, either one of you falling asleep before the other or leaving before morning.

The warmth he radiated just made it even easier to convince yourself, your hand that was already draped around his torso, drawing small circles on his bareback. You force yourself to cran your neck to the side, your gaze falling on Bakugo's peaceful features.

It wasn't as noticeable but you could see the discolouration under his eyes, the sight making you frown as you bring your wandering hand to cup his face. With your thumb over his cheek, you start to worry for the boy in your arms, your mind going over all the nights you had to spend with him for him to fall asleep.

"Katsuki..." you're voice trailed, your hand falling from his face.

But before it can resume its place on his back, his hand grabs your own to slowly place it back on his cheek. Once again, he fooled you.

With tired eyes, his red stare falls on you, his face expressionless as he tightens his hold around you. The gesture surprisingly didn't make you nervous, instead, it just made you fall even deeper. Without a word, his grasp moves down to your wrist, his touch so soft as if you could break with just a mere sound.

"Did you sleep okay?" He mumbled, his voice so low that it sent trembles down your back.

You smile, "More than okay... Did you?"

The boy didn't respond, instead, he just pulled you closer to his chest, his hand finding its place on the small on your back. When he did this, you managed to get closer to his face, your head just beneath his as he was currently burying his own in your tangled hair.

You giggle, "I'll take that as a yes then."

Seeing Bakugo so soft-spoken made your heart clench, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. He was yours now, and you were his, a reality you thought was so far fetched. Yet here you were with this incredibly stubborn boy on your bed, a stupid smile spreading across your pink lips.

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