--- In the general future ---

One of the biggest changes in Ristaze was the change of four laws:

- Taxes for the entire country was decided by the crown. Changes in taxes would have to be accepted by the crown.

- All land belongs to the crown


- Nobility that holds land were no longer forbidden from holding military.

- Land was no longer locked to a specific title or family name.

The first two laws, though seeming unimportant at a first glance would spark another grand wave of dissatisfaction among the nobles. It was a bold decision made while everyone had the memory of the King, Alstair and House Salender's fall. Those who resisted would have to go up against the only three houses with trained military forces, as well as the royal army. The only resistance ended up being in the shadows for a long time.

The second law, while seeming vague, was the biggest change of the four. In effect, it meant that Emilia could take land away from nobles if she wanted to. She needed no further reasoning. Of course she would give reasoning to minimize satisfaction, but that is the amount of power this one little sentence gave her.

In effect, those that ended up unable to manage their territory when the taxes were lowered, would be stripped of their land and replaced. This was of course very few nobles, but the discontent would be palpable.

In return, this created an upwave of popularity among the commoners that had been suffering under greedy lords, decreasing the dissatisfaction over Emilia's magic, as they reached a conclusion: Corruption was purged, be they commoners or nobility.

The last two laws would spark many conflicts in the nobility that had been used to having their land promised for eternity as long as remnants of their family still existed. Within a decade the first armed disagreements began between nobles, and that was the first time the throne would put the nobles in their place.

At the field where the two nobles meant to fight it out, a third army appeared, twice the size of each army. The royal army.

Each side was given the following order:

'A request for military movement has not been filed, nor has the agreements for the battle. Return your troops or have them eliminated. '

It was a rule of might.

The agreements were to follow a set of rules set down by Augustus Celeste and named 'Formalities of Internal Armed Conflict', which was based on the rules Rei herself had been subject to in her former life, though with some modifications to make it fit better with the traditions of knights.

Zocria who had not signed the peace treaty didn't make a move up until this point, but after this incident Zocria initiated positive contact for the first time.

Crinia turned itself inwards after Catarina died. With support from Headal, especially in the form of knowledge, the Queen started taking her place as the ruler seriously. She married a year later and would soon become pregnant. After about a decade Crinia started a foresting project to increase their livable areas to the south, and along with many changes in social policies left over from the Tyrant King, Crinia would slowly begin to sprout as a nation once more.

Semor to the North remained quiet, but over the next decade increased their defense at the border immensely, gaining what seemed to near paranoia. Landon knew exactly who was the main cause of those four rules, along with the overhaul of much of the military in Ristaze that would happen over the years. Rei's clan had been known for one thing, and one thing only, which was their military and its ruthless efficiency. Now given what seemed near full control over the military, many of the methods used would be implemented. These methods were mainly in structure and communication, and they would be developed further by military researchers that blended these methods with the magic in Ristaze. Aware of this change, Landon wanted to take no chances on the temper of someone he killed once.

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