The next Step

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Now I was even more confused. Not only because of the fact that Raymond just told me that Brandon would be still alive and under his control, but because of the statement of Mason. Why does he know a person, Ashton Sheffield to be exact, who is a specialist in killing supernatural beings? Isn't that at least a bit dangerous for him and the others? I mean, if this Ashton Sheffield person does know how to kill any species of the supernatural beings, isn't Mason afraid that he might also kill one of us? Not because he has anything against us but only because he wants to prove his assumptions about the different ways to kill one of us?

My thoughts were a blur because of all what has happened in just this few minutes. Mason still held me in his arms, I guess not even noticing that I was only in a towel at the moment.

I slowly lifted my head to gaze into his beautiful but now concerned eyes. After a moment, he lowered his head to gaze at me as well with a concerned but at the same time stern look on his face.

"How do you know Ashton Sheffield? " I asked curious and confused, slowly releasing from our embrace.

He sighed and scratched the side of his neck, obviously not feeling comfortable with my question. " do know that "actual" mate died a few years ago." He started quietly, not really wanting to talk about his soul mate.

I nodded and held my towel tight around me. He went over towards my bed, dropping himself on it before he went on. "Well, I was more than furious. Only wanting to end the life of the one who killed her. I wasn't myself at that time. And the fact that I didn't even know who exactly killed her, drove me even more insane than I already was. I only knew that in the huge war between the werewolves and vampires at this time, in which almost every pack in the surrounding area was included, she got killed. Before the war started, I tried to stop her from joining it, because I was worried about her savety, but she just ignored me and fought with us all.'' I remembered this war. The Raver moon pack was also involved in it. This war took place even before Brandon got ''killed'' by Raymond. It was the biggest war in the last century between werewolves and vampires. It must've been hard to not know who the person was who killed your mate after all, he obviously doesn't know it up to now. I pitied Mason a bit, but got also a tiny bit jealous because of the way he talked about his now death mate. I could slap myself for it, because I also talked about Brandon like this, Mason even saw me and him together but it's like Reign doesn't want him to be anybody's but ours.

Mason now put his elbows on top of his knees while I sat next to him, quietly listening to him. ''I just recognized her death as I felt the pain in my heart and my wolf going insane, searching for her. When I found her, she was barely breathing. She just told me sorry, and that she loved me, and then...'' He was now on the verge of crying, obviously re-living the moment he found his mate. I placed my palm on his back, caressing his back and trying to soothe him. He quickly cleared his throat and went on, not wanting to loose himself too much in the moment. ''Around me were everybody still fighting while I brought her away. And that was when anger consumed me, and I killed every vampire that passed my way. After this war, I wanted a detective to find out which one of these bastard vampires killed my mate, without succes. A friend of mine gave me a name of somebody who was specified in finding supernatural beings, and killing them.''

''Ashton Sheffield'' I interjected. He just nodded and went on. '' I contacted him and gave him the order to find the killer of my mate, but even He couldn't find the person. He said he heard rumors about the one or the other vampire who saw something but didn't give much faith in it. But he offered me his help anytime I would need him.'' He ended, and for the first time since he started his speech looked at me. I felt sorry for him. I know I also lost my mate, but I at least knew the person who caused his death. But let's not start with Brandon again.

'' think he knows how to kill Raymond? I mean, I wouldn't say that I doubt his work, but Raymond literally created the vampires dozens of centuries ago. Don't you think that he would've thought before he created a weapon which could harm or even kill him?'' I asked Mason doubtfully.

''There has to be something to kill him. No being, not even a supernatural being can be completely immortal. I assume that he knows which weapon can kill him and has this one with him, so that no one can get it.''

''But wouldn't he be a fool if he does so? I mean, if anybody would get to know his weakness, and that he's carrying it the whole time with him, wouldn't it be easy to just kill him ?'' I asked again, suggesting every possibility which caught my mind.

He sighed.

''Well, yeah...possibly. But it's our only clue at the moment.''

I just nodded and turned away from him, deciding to finally get dressed.

''Where're you going?'' Mason asked puzzled.

''I'm going to get dressed and then we'll go to that Ashton person and try to find something to finally get rid of Raymond and the whole vampire Species. '' I stated, heading towards my dresser but got stopped by Mason's hand on my forearm. I turned slightly around, expecting him to tell me why he stopped me. Mason stood up and vanished the few metres that seperated us, standing now right in front of me. He took both of my hands in his and brought them up to his lips, in order to kiss them.

''You don't know how happy I am that I met you.'' He stated, his eyes never leaving mine. I shook my head and lowered it a bit. ''Don't say that. Because of me there could possibly be another war between the races. If we'll get to know the source to kill him, he won't hesitate to send all vampires in this country to kill us, and everybody else who knows about his weakness.'' Mason placed one of his finger under my chin and lifted it in the process, daring me to look him in the eyes. ''No, don't You say that. Raymond has been a problem to the werewolf race since he created vampires. And now the time has come that we will finally do something against him. You are just another reason for me to destroy him, because I would do anything possible to protect you. You are my Life now, Mia, and I won't allow anybody to harm you and get away with this.'' Mason said, and you could see in his eyes that he meant every single word he just said. ''So don't blame yourself for his actions. And anything, that will happen in the future, is in the future for now, okay? Don't worry about it, we'll get through this together..''

''But..'' I interjected. ''No Buts! I will stay by your side, like your pack and also mine. We won't back off until we've reached our destination.''

''No, I have a But! Because I couldn't take it if You, or anybody who is not even involved in all this gets harmed or even killed okay?! I know I'm selfish but I don't want to loose somebody I love again! I lost my parents, I lost my sister and I lost Brandon. So I'm so done with loosing someone! You, and the pack are the only ones I have right now, and I can't loose you and I won't allow any fucking vampire to break my want! I'd rather die myself than to let anybody else get killed of those bastards!'' My emotions overflooded and I took a few steps back from Mason, I yelled, angrily but also a bit hopeless what I had to say. Mason's lips went to a straight line and his face went blank. He took a few steps in my direction before he stopped just a few inches in front of me and cupped with one palm my cheek. ''Do you understand?! I just can't stand loosing one of my beloved....loosing you...'' I whispered while Mason wiped one single tear that escaped my eye away.

''You won't! I'll make sure of that!''

He also whispered, engulfing me in another embrace, and don't letting me go.


Hello again my lovely readers! I really am so happy that this story has almost 3.5 k reads!!

I'm also hoping that this chapter is something alike what you expected, or the complete opposite, either way, I hope you liked this chapter because I do! :P

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