Marking what's Mine

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"What do you mean we have a problem?" I asked.

Ashton sighed. "When I went out to get some fresh air a while ago, I found this."

Ashton took a sheet of paper out of his jacket and held it out to us.

Mason and me looked down at the letter and began to read what was written there;

My dearest Love,

Did you really think that I wouldn't know you're planning something against me?

I had hoped you would think better of me, Mia.

You may ask yourself why I wrote this letter to you.

Let me answer your question;
This is a warning, the only one you'll get.

If you do anything to try to harm me, or try to stop my plan to succeed, I'll kill your beloved soul mate.
I know you still love him, though you have found another one to fulfill his place.

So I advise you to take this warning seriously or you won't like the consequences.


Your Raymond

I scrunched the letter in my hands.


He threatens me with Brandon?!

But how did he get to know about our plan?

And what was he talking about when he said 'stop his plan'?

Is there something we don't know?

I looked over to Mason and saw him clenching his teeth, his eyes black with anger.

I placed a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. "Don't worry, we'll have a new plan to defeat Raymond, this is just another complication we have to get through. We will-"

"No, Mia! Can't you see it? He's doing everything to stop us, knowing we would oblige his every want! We're obviously doing exactly what he wants us to!"

I gaped at him.

"Mason, calm down! We have to re-think about a new plan so stop throwing a tantrum!" Ashton growled.

"No! I won't calm down! No matter which plan we'll come up with Mia will get hurt in the end, again!"

I looked at Mason and shook my head, placing my hands on either side of his cheeks. "Mason, you don't have to worry about me. Everything will be fine, we'll figure something out. He can't win, we can't let Raymond win. Just have faith, we can't give up now, we have too much to lose."

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