The Plan

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OMG!!! I cannot believe it! This story has over 8k reads now and I could hug and kiss all of you!! It really means SO MUCH to me that you're reading this story and hopefully also like it!!
P.S.: I'm sorry for the A/N but I just had to tell you this!

Now, here's the next chapter!



That was the only thing that could describe my feelings at the moment.

For the first time, I woke up before Mason. I watched him sleep, his chest slowly rising up and down when my eyes went to his mark.

I smiled.

Finally, I was bearing his mark and he mine. We were one now, soul and heart.

I stretched my head to place a kiss on the spot where I put my mark Mason yesterday. My fingers still brushing through his hair, I heard a sleepy moan coming out of his mouth and smirked.

"No, don't stop baby." Mason spoke up with his husky voice, his eyes still closed.

I chuckled and leaned in again, leaving open mouthed kisses all around his neck while nibbling on his skin. His moans and groans got louder and without noticing it, he suddenly hovered over me, wide awake.

I looked up at him and sighed in content as he leaned down and pressed an open mouthed kiss on his set mark on my neck.

I then heard him growl and felt his grip on me tighten. "Mine!"

I growled myself and buried my face in the crook of his neck as well. "Mine!"

Mason brought his palm to the back of my neck and pulled me away from his neck only to press his lips onto mine, moulding them in a passionate kiss.

"I can't believe you're mine now, only mine." He whispered, trailing a path with his nose just below my ear. "But I am. Forever. No one will be able to separate us."

Mason suddenly stiffened and pulled away from me, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and shifted my position next to him. "What's wrong?"

I could see his jaw clench and his eyebrows furrow in worry, which gave me an unsettling feeling as well. "Mason, tell me what's wrong!"

I was rubbing his arm, trying to calm him, but failed.

"I will only believe that we can live a happy life when I see Raymond's dead body in front of me." He wasn't looking at me when he said that, but was looking straight ahead. His jaw was still clenched and I could see his lust for revenge in his eyes.

This wasn't him. This wasn't my Mason from seconds ago.

Raymond and this situation are changing him into something he's not; a monster.

I can see it. And I have to stop it.

I placed my palms on both his cheeks, turning his head to look at me. "Stop this." I whispered, shaking my head. "You have to get rid of this anger and urge of revenge before it consumes you!"

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