Confusing feelings

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Mia's POV.:

''Maybe.'' He said smirking which I returned and closed the door.

Wait! Did I just flirt with him? Well, actually it was my wolf, Reign. But why? Our mate died so why is she so hot on flirting with another man now?! I mean, Brandon died only three years ago, how could she want to have anything to do with another man?

''Why do you flirt with another male?!'' I asked her through our mind connection.

''Come on, I know you liked it too!'' She answered.

''That...that's not the point! Our mate died! How could we  flirt with another male? And he's an Alpha for god's sake!'' I said angrily.

''Yes, our mate died. Three years ago! You know both of us want someone again who cares and loves us so shush. Besides, his wolf and me are attracted to each other! I can't do anything about it.'' She answered also a bit angry.

I sighed.

''That's not possible. And yes, you're right, I want someone who loves me just as much as you but we're an Alpha! And our pack comes always first! Just forget about that damn attraction and stop taking control.''

I said and stopped our connection. I think she's gone nuts, well, I need to let this damn anger vanish. Alpha's are not allowed to show their feelings in public. They have to be the rock to carry the pack and therefore I need to let those confusing feelings out, which means : training.

I'd go training one way or another but I need it right now. So I opened my suitcase and took out my sports clothes, a shorts, a sport bra , a tank top and sneakers. I undressed me from my ''normal'' clothes and got dressed in my sport outfit.  I put my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs, trying to find the fighting area from this huge pack house. I walked down the stairs and was now in the hallway where some males were talking. I chose to ask them where the fighting area was and walked towards them. They noticed me coming and stared at me.


''Could you please tell me where the fighting area is?'' I asked friendly but demanding.

''What? You want to train in the fighting area?!'' The one said and started laughing and the others joined in.

I growled and placed my hand on the one's throat and lifted him up the wall.

''What did you say?! Did nobody teach you to have respect of an Alpha?!'' I said angrily.

The other males watched me wide eyed with mouth open.

''I asked you something!'' I said still holding him by his throat.

''Yes, I'm sorry Alpha!''

I let him down and he started coughing while holding his throat. I turned around and looked at the other two males standing there still amazed and told them,

''Now to you! Never, and I mean Never ever, laugh about an Alpha, especially me again! Otherwise I won't be so soft to you, understand?!'' I told them in my Alpha tone.

Both of them only nodded and watched me, while a chuckle came from the end of the stairs. I looked pass the men and to the stairs and saw Alpha Mason laughing there in sweatpants and a tank top, obviously wanting to go to the fighting area as well.

''What's so funny, Alpha?'' I asked sternly.

''I like it how you treat the boys, they need to respect and notice every Alpha in this house, what they didn't. My punishment would be worse but those expressions on their faces were priceless. Please do me a favor and do with everybody in this pack what they deserve for disobeying an Alpha, but not too bad.'' Alpha Mason answered still with a wide grin on his face.

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