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          "Hold on, would you give me a second?" Y/N pushed Sokka's hands away from the spear, pulling at away to tie it off and tear the remaining cord from the edges. "There. Fixed. Was that so hard? Stop stabbing things unnecessarily, I'm getting sick of putting that point back on your stupid spear."

          "I could've done that myself." Sokka huffed, his small, 8 year old hands pulling the shaft from her hands. He poked her forehead with the butt of the spear a few times, sticking his tongue out and quickly leaving the tent, running off to find something to stab. Worst twin ever. I could've at least got a thank you.

          It was already getting dark outside. The day had felt so jam-packed. Y/N watched the flickering light of the fire outside dance across the fabric of the tent. Maybe we should build an igloo for the weapons instead of having this rickety old tent. It keeps falling over in the wind.

          And I need a new brother.

          Y/N sighed dramatically to herself, standing up and brushing the snow off her legs. She exited the tent, making her way to the central fire, where father sat with a few friends, laughing and eating.

          "Hey, munchkin." He laughed as Y/N crawled into his lap, a frustrated pout pinching her small lips. "What's the matter?"

          "Sokka is the worst." She wined, prodding a finger at the air in her brother's general direction. "He's mean." Her father quickly ruffled her hair and gave her a little bit of the jerky he was eating. She took it and resentfully took a large bite, earning chuckles from the other men.

          "Your twin brother isn't the worst, Y/N. He's just jealous of your way around weapons." Y/N looked up at him, confused. 

          "He doesn't believe girls can do anything related to war or fighting." She finished her jerky piece, immediately reaching for more.

          "Please?" He prompted.

          "Please." She took another bite as soon as she could get her hands around the jerky. 

          "You'll prove him wrong someday, and he'll prove you wrong as well." Her father quickly scooped her up, walking up to mom, who held Katara. "He isn't mean to Katara. Maybe it's just the twin thing. He'll get over it."

          "Yet." Y/N waved her hands at her little sister. "He can't be a jerk to her yet, mom's always around." Her mother looked down at her disapprovingly.

          "Now, Y/N, that's not a nice way to be talking about your brother, is it?" She scolded, letting Katara down. She was 7, only a year younger than Sokka and Y/N, but still quite small for her age. She smiled and laughed, running over to Y/N, who smiled and scooped her sister up in her arms, earning more giggles.

          "Remember, Y/N, even though you and Sokka are twins, you're still older." Father said, smiling as he cupped her cheek. "As the eldest, it's your responsibility to keep them safe whenever your mother and I aren't watching, okay? That's a big responsibility. Can you handle that?"

          "You bet. Even though Sokka's a jerk-" Mom gave her another disapproving look, and Y/N cut herself off, carefully continuing after a moment. "Even though Sokka doesn't like me much, I'll look after him, and nothing is happening to MY little sister." 

          Y/N poked Katara's nose gently, and the she one smiled brightly, grabbing her older sister's finger and pulling it around, giggling. 

          "I'm very proud of you, Y/N." Mother knelt next to her, running her fingers through Y/N's hair. "You're a great sister." Y/N grinned and nodded, pushing back her H/L hair and looking down at Katara again.

          "We're going to get along great! Don't worry."

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