The Corridor of Elders

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Kai's p.o.v

Attacking Chen and his fake Anacondrai, one hits me hard. I spin, slamming my tail into his head. 'All return to the Samurai X cave.' I hear in my mind. It distracts me enough to where I'm knocked out.

Lloyd's p.o.v

Shade runs in, I look for my beloved. "Kai's not back yet." Nya asked. I look to Neuro as a thud is heard. Kai limps inside, holding his arm and collapses. I run over as Kai looks at me.

I slide beside hem, picking his head up. Lifting Kai, he grunts in pain. Laying hem on the table, mom and mother begin to patch hem up. Kai moves his hand. "They.....they attacked the village. I held I could. Neuro contacted me and it cast me. I woke up and made my way here." Kai says.

He sits up, pa (Ray) moves and forces Kai to lay down. I nod at pa. We look over a map, devising a plan. Wu points to the map "There's hope. The Corridor of Elders." Wu said.

Shade cocks his head. "Corridor of Elders?"

"I know we don't stand much of a chance taking on his entire army at once, but after he's controlled the East, he'll move West tomorrow and have to pass through Echo Canyons. Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottlenecks: here, at the Corridor of Elders, the monuments honoring our ancestors. It's the narrowest channel, but our greatest chance." Wu explains.

Dad nods. "If we can't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like dominos." He says.

Karlof makes a fist. "Karlof not like to lose. Karlof fueled!" A hand on my shoulder has me looking at my husband.

"I'm not sitting by and laying others fight while I have the energy and will to fight." Kai says.

"Then we have one day to save tomorrow." Uncle Ronin said.

We head out, Kai stays with me. He holds my waist, I look back and kiss Kai on the cheek. "I've missed having you on my back." I say.

Kai nuzzles my back. We come to the Corridor of Elders and the other's are there. Kai takes to the sky and we go to war.

I head for Chen, attacking hem straight on. I see Pythor on a rat, a book with hem. Picking hem up, he looks at me. "Lloyd." He says. I head for my beloved.

Coming to Lloyd, I hover at hem. "I have something your father needs to see. Oh, come on. You can trust me because if anyone is going to take over this world, I'd rather it be me. Take me to your father, and he can end this once and for all." Pythor said.

We head for the Destiny's Bounty and see Echo, Wu, Misako, father, dad, mom and uncle Ronin.

"Pythor says he has something that can end this war." Lloyd says.

Wu makes a fist. "They've crossed the line of no return. No amount of power can stop this now." He said.

"But the might of a true Anacondrai can." Pythor replies.

"Do you see what's happening? This isn't about you. Making you big solves nothing." Father says.

Pythor stands his ground. "But if the generals you banished to the Cursed Realm so long ago saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once." Pythor said.

The only way to bring the generals back is for father to banish himself. Lloyd gets pissed and runs off the ship.

I watch as Lloyd let's Chan's army have it. Father hands Wu the book.

"Read it, brother. You know as well as I the Ninja don't need two Sensei. Only one can remain." Father says.

Wu nods. "Very well. "Komodo, nicktu, demic tara." He begins the spell. A pillar of light surrounds father.

"Misako, will you ever forgive me for the letter?" Father asks. "I already have." Ma says.

"Tell Lloyd I'm sorry." Father tells me.

I go to reply when I hear. "You can tell me yourself." Lloyd climbs into the Bounty. "If anyone should be sending you off, it's me." He takes the book. "Kenji, severus, toto-demada, cursono, neeboro" Everyone below gasps when they see the portal "actu, cursono, neeborro."

The pillar becomes brighter, a portal opens up.

"I yearned to make the world in my image. I never realized I already had, in you and Kai." Father rides up.

"Sono, hokido, bo-rock!" Lloyd finishes the spell.  You can hear father screaming and moaning as he's being sent to the realm. A tear falls down my cheek.

The Anacondrai generals curse the cultists and Chen, leaving me and Skylar.

A few days later, I look at the book. Finding the spell, I preform it. Soon, my beloved father is before me. He hugs me as a cry goes out and I feel Lloyd hugging us.

I smile, my beloved is happy once more.

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