Verses pt 2

490 18 2

Kai's p.o.v

I have to fight Lloyd next. No..I can't. I won't do it. I roll away, tears falling. Going to my room, I clime on the bed and just sob. My heart turns blacker, my will to fight is now broken.

The door opens, Chen walks in. "You'll fight hem, or I dismantle Zane." Chen threatens. I nod, unable to talk. Chen leaves and I break more.

It's some time later, the door opens, thinking it's Chen or Clouse, I don't look. It's not til lips meet my neck do I look at the face of my beloved husband. Lloyd rolls me over, lays beside me and I curl into his side, head on his chest.

His fingers comb my hair, I calm down. "You have to win. But, let's give them a show. Let's show Chen and Clouse who there dealing with." Lloyd says, kissing my hair.

I fall sleep, exhaustion gripping me hard. Opening my eyes, I see a woman walk up. "Hello Kai. I am Eva. Wife of the FSM and mother of Garmadon and Wu. I'm here cause you have suffered so much but you still have much more to gain. Be strong, show them what your made of." Eva says.

I nod and smile. Opening my eyes, Lloyd's green suit meets me. Moving my head, I look at my husband. Lloyd pulls me to hem, kissing me.

Pulling away, I get up, in my wheelchair and Lloyd gets up. Going out the room, we get breakfast and head to the arena. I go on one side, Lloyd on the other.

Father, ninja and the other masters watch. Lloyd charges, I front flip, throwing the wheelchair and take to the sky. Opening my wings, the real ones, and I hover. The masters, Chen and Clouse look in aww.

Lloyd jumps up, does spinjitzu and he snaps his wings open. His ears and tail  come out, mine as well and he zooms to me. I back flip, form a water sphere and slam it into Lloyd's side.

He falls a bit, catching himself. Diving low to the earth, I pick some up, throwing it at Lloyd, Lloyd forms a shield. The rocks slam into the shield, turning to dust and I use it.

Lloyd lowers the shield, I slam hard into hem. We tangle, free falling. Lloyd gets free, grabbing my arm. A loud popping sounds as my shoulder dislocates. Grinting my teeth, I grasp his hand, using my ice and freeze his hold.

Lloyd screeches, letting go and I barrow roll. Slamming my wings into Lloyd's head, I shoot lightening at hem. Lloyd blocks, barely and sends a blast of energy. Claws come out, I slice the energy and slam once more into Lloyd.

We slam into the ground, forming a creator. All look as the rubble shifts as I come out. I pull Lloyd, blood coming down his cheek. Lloyd slams a fist in my gut, I cough up blood, he round house kicks me.

I slam into a boulder, dizzy. All watch as I try to get up. Than, as Chen is about to call it, my leg moves. Drawing them up, I slowly stand. Legs shaky, weak, no muscle, I stand tall and look at Lloyd.

Charging, I form a ball of water, slamming it hard in Lloyd's head. Lloyd drops like dead weight.

"Winner, Kai Garmadon." My legs give and I sink to the ground. Dragging to the over turned wheelchair, Lloyd is taken away. My arms are grabbed, Neuro and father picking me up. They help me to the chair and I sit in it.

Later in my room, I sit in the tub. Massaging my legs, I begin to walk in the waist high water. I walk till my legs hurt and keep at it.

'I'll walk, just for you, my beloved.'

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