Katsuki Bakugou-Fight me?

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Quirk: Emotion manipulation- The user is able to control the feelings of other people. The user can also know their feelings if they touch them. User is only able to use it on 5 others maximum. Lasts about 15 minutes.
Drawback- If overused the user cannot feel any emotions for several hours.

Word count: 4,747

"Watch out loser!" A warning called out before the ball hit you. Luckily the speedster Iida was quick enough to scoop you up before you got hit.
"Thanks Iida" you say as he gently set you on your feet. "You probably should go back to Midoryia before Bakugou blows up" you warned him before Bakugou started to storm up to you.
To mess with him before he started to rage you filled his mind with a slight pang of guilt before he could yell at you.
You and Bakugou were known to annoy the snot out of each other. You almost hated him because of his overwhelming cocky attitude and good looks. You would always beat him academically and at strategic games while he beat you in almost all things physical. You two were determined to beat each other in everything you did.
If you didn't win you would often make him feel guilty. His ego prevented him from apologizing no matter what you did which made you mad.
"What do you think you're doing? Quit reading your stupid book and get out of my way!" He shouted as he snatched the ball you had picked up. You could have sworn that he told you to be careful underneath his breath.
You just cocked your head a bit. You had been reading a book of completely random facts and had started to tell the angry blond one every day to mess with him. "Did you know that ostriches have only two toes? Or that a cucumber consists of 96 percent water?" You asked him with your signature smirk.
His face twitched as you flooded his emotions with a calming feeling. "I did not know that" he muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose in slight frustration. You released him from your control. "Dang it Y/N! Quit using your stupid quirk on me! How'd you even get in the hero course anyways with that useless quirk of yours?" He raged.
Some of the other 1-A students had stopped playing their games out of curiosity. You hadn't told anyone how you beat the robots and everyone had been wondering the same thing as Bakugou.
"Well you see they were programmed without any emotion and I introduced emotion to them. They kind of shorted out after that and yeah that's what happened" you bluntly stated. Bakugou scoffed at the truth. The other classmates went back to their games.
"Whatever you'll never go far with something as stupid as that for a quirk" he chided as he turned back to his game. The words honestly hurt. You knew that you'd probably never be more than a sidekick your whole career.
"Even if I ended up being a sidekick my whole life that's okay! I'll become the world's best sidekick and work alongside the best pro heros in the world! Everyone will want me on their team and I'll eventually save more people than even you Katsuki!" You called out.
His head snapped back towards you as you called him by his first name. You instantly saw the red cloud fume over his head. Calmness wasn't going to work if his emotions were too strong.
He stomped back over to you after hurling the ball over to Kirishima. His face inches away from yours. You could feel the heat instantly build up in your cheeks. He let off a mini explosion near your head to frighten you. "What was that Y/N? You think you're better than me?" He smirked with a fiery passion in his eyes.
If I say yes then I will probably get beaten to a pulp. If I say no then he's gonna say that I'm lying and beat me up too. You paused for a second to think. That's perfect, you thought as you came up with a plan to get yourself out of this mess.
"Of course not Katsuki~! I just wanted to let you know that I am trying my best just like my hero~! Can you guess who that is?" you attempted to flirt with the ash blond. You sent out a wave of emotions to him so that his anger turned into curiosity.
"Who?" He huffed as rolled his eyes. He was listening. Perfect.
You giggle. "It's you silly~!" You told him with a wink. You flicked his nose while sending a wave of embarrassment and love to him. "Now go play ball with your friends and I'll put down my book so you don't have to worry about me," you say as you turned him around and pushed him a bit.
"O-okay" he replied nervously as he looked over his shoulder. His expression seemed to soften. It was nice to see him without his scowl on his face. See dummy? I'm more useful than you'll ever know.
You released him from your control. He looked over his shoulder again as his expression hardened slightly out of confusion. He ran his fingers through his hair and shook the confusion off.
"You ready bro?" Kirishima called out to him. This caught his attention. He shoved his hands back into his pockets.
"Yeah, hold your horses I'm coming" he responded with a slightly annoyed tone. Thanks Kirishima. I owe you one.
You felt slightly bad that you had messed with his feelings. Actually you weren't. You were mad at yourself for not saving that tactic for later use.
"Hey Y/N!" Midoryia called out as he, Uraraka, and Iida had regrouped with you. "How'd you get Kacchan to leave you alone like that? All of us were too far away to hear you two" he asked.
"That's for me to know and you to never find out. It's my little secret" you wink at him. Midoriya and Iida looked at each other and shrugged.
"It's about time to change. Let's go" Iida suggested. Everyone agreed and nodded.
The other girls had joined you and Uraraka as you headed into the locker rooms. "So Y/N" Uraraka called out as you opened up your locker.
"Yeah?" You called back as you changed into your uniform.
"How'd you really get Bakugou to stop yelling at you?" She asked. The other girls seemed to be curious and tuned in.
"I used my quirk on him" you replied. She raised one of her eyebrows.
"That's it? What feeling did you give him to make him leave you alone?" Mina interrupted.
"Yeah, ribbit. I don't think Y/N's quirk is able to do that considering that would be mind control and not emotion control" Tsyuu commented with her finger on her chin.
Can't get out of this one. Oh well. "I made him think he had a crush on me while I was talking to him. I wasn't planning on using it just yet but I kind of got annoyed and used it anyways" you informed them.
Mina and Hakugure gasped. "Girl you did what? You're crazy" Mina responded to your words.
"I'm going to have to agree with Mina. You might have just made the situation worse. You shouldn't play with someone's feelings and not think about the consequences" Momo spoke.
You panicked slightly when you realized the truth of their words. "Welp, I'll deal with that when the time comes. For now I'm not too worried about it" you stated and shrugged.
The girls finally left you alone. Maybe I did use that tactic to soon. Should I have used it at all? You pondered.
Upon walking out of the locker room you ran into the ash blond. "What are you looking at loser?" He asked with a scowl as soon as I exited the room.
"Did Y/N get out yet? Cool let's go!" Kirishima chirped as he glanced at you. He gave you his signature smile while Bakugou was pouting.
The group quietly walked to the classroom together. Man this is awkward. Guess what time it is Katsuki~!
"Hey did you guys know that a shrimp's heart is located in its head?" you asked to break the tension. Bakugou's face twitches with annoyance. "Or that a baby giraffe is born six feet tall?" you added.
You could tell that it was clearly pissing off Bakugou. It was fun to mess with him and then use your quirk on him to calm him down so he has no reason to feel mad. He would often get too confused and walk off.
"Really Y/N? That's so cool! How do you know all of this stuff?" Kirishima asked with a smile.
"I got a book of fun facts" you say as you pull out your little book you had been reading earlier. "My brother gave it to me before I came here" you added.
He snatched it from your grip. "Just shut up already and quit filling my head with crappy knowledge that I'll never use!" He barked.
"Give it back Katsuki!" you begged the boy. He nearly exploded the book.
"Q-Quit calling me by my first name!" He snapped as he shoved the book into your chest. "Quit using your quirk on me" he added with a grunt.
"I'm not using my quirk on you Katsuki, or am I?" you whispered back. Truthfully you weren't using your quirk you just wanted to get back at him from taking your book earlier.
"W-What? I was talking about earlier stupid. Quit messing with me" he spoke as he flicked your forehead. You tried to rub the pain away before you entered the classroom.
The rest of the day went fast for you. You almost nodded off but Bakugou scared you with paper balls that he threw at you.
He never paid attention to you but you noticed that his unrelenting gaze during the duration of the day.
"What's up Katsuki?" You asked as he walked with you to the dorms. "Did you know-"
"That it takes one more fact and I'll blast you and your book sky high"
"...Spider silk is stronger than steel" you added once you got to the dorm. Bakugou looked like he was... checked out?
"You know what? I challenge you to a game and I'm gonna win" he spoke calmly. He grabbed you by the hand and dragged you over to Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari. "I'm going to beat this loser right here and now. What games do you have that we could play?" He asked them with a harsh tone in his voice.
Mina gave you an evil smile. "Sure thing~! I'll go get the game!" She chirped as she bounded off to her room. This is very concerning.
Bakugou made you change into normal clothes before playing. He forced you to sit down with him while you two waited for Mina to return. Kaminari had run off to help her as well.
Mina came out with a board. She slapped it on the floor and made Kaminari move the table. She pulled out the mat as you realized what you would be playing. Your worst nightmare, twister.
"What is this? When I said a game I meant a board game!" He yelled.
"What, do you think that Y/N will beat you?" Kaminari inquired. Bakugou started to steam.
"I brought some pocky sticks if you wanted to play that instead~!" Mina suggested. That last comment set him off.
"NO WAY!" He shouted. You could have sworn he was blushing.
"Fine. I have a chessboard as well if you wanted to try that" Mina suggested once more.
"We'll just play twister instead" he added in a slightly calmer tone. He knows he can't beat me in an intellectual game so he's going for the one that would favor his strength. Smart.
He pulled you over to make sure you didn't run away. Kirishima volunteered to play with us while Mina helped us flick the spinner.
It ended up like any fanfiction would. Kirishima ended up falling right away and Bakugou right on top of you. You were facing towards the ceiling like a crab with Bakugou's smug face just inches from yours.
"Did you know that if crabs lose their claws they can grow them back?" You asked him. The smirk formed into an evil grin. If I can just get him flustered enough he might just slip in accident and I can win, you pondered.
"Did you know that you're about to lose?" He grinned. Mina flicked the spinner once more. At this point Bakugou had you in between his crossed arms and his chest. "Feeling ready to quit yet?" He asked while cocking his head slightly with his signature smirk.
This instantly made you blush. The thought of sweet revenge crossed your mind. "You know Katsuki, this game has led to countless marriages?" You asked and gave him an innocent smile. The comment made him blush with the help of your quirk.
You thought about making him nervous but it seems like he already was nervous. Without any warning he collapsed himself on top of you. He just laid there till you pushed him off.
"I won't play with you if you start cheating loser. You three go away, I'm too annoyed right now to deal with you all right now" he stated as he picked himself up. Kirishima tried to whisper to Kaminari but Bakugou raged at them. "I said go already!" He yelled and chucked a pillow at them.
Mina gathered up her game and scurried off with the two boys. You tried to escape with them before Bakugou could notice. No luck. He grabbed your wrist and set you on the couch.
"Where do you think you're going? I still have to beat you nerd" he stated firmly. He pulled out the chessboard Mina had earlier. "Now listen, I don't like this game but this is what I have and I don't feel like looking for another game. If I win, you have to do whatever I say tomorrow and if you win it'll be the reverse. Got it?" He bargained.
Either way he's not going to let me go. You were kind of interested to see what would happen. You nodded in response.
After an intense fifteen minute match you were tied with the fuming blond. "Did you know that chess was invented in the 6th century?" You ask as you moved your piece.
"Did you know that I don't care?" He hissed. You continued to play the game to your last three pieces. Bakugou had managed to keep and extra piece on the board. The odds seemed to be slipping out of your grasp.
"Hey Y/N! Whatcha doing?" The familiar green haired boy questioned loud enough for both of us to hear.
With your attention averted you mistakenly placed down your rook in the wrong space. Craaaaaap. Bakugou took immediate notice and destroyed your piece.
"Checkmate nerd!" He claimed victoriously. In his sudden burst of excitement he accidentally flipped the board. Spilling the pieces everywhere.
"Bakugou! Please clean up your mess if you are going to play games" Iidas voice called out. Finally Bakugou pulled away at the two's comments.
You ran over to Iida. Please protect me from this crazy weirdo.
"HA! I FINALLY WON NERD!" He started to cackle. "You have to do whatever I want tomorrow" he smirked as he lowered his volume.
"What's that about?" Midoriya questioned in a whisper to you as you were escorted out of the room. You glance back to the still smirking blond. He seemed to have a more evil smile now that you had looked over your shoulder.
"It's nothing" you answered. You were scolded by Iida before heading off to bed. You changed and wished for the day to be over already.
This isn't going to end well. You thought as you uncomfortably drifted off to sleep.

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