Tamaki Amajiki-Butterfly

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Quirk: Light manipulation- User can bend and control light. User can even produce light to a degree as well.
Drawbacks- Overexertion causes temporary blindness in user.

Extra info- It's now yours and Tamaki's last year at U.A. Takes place before the dorms are built.

Word count- 3,813

-Tamaki's POV-

"Whatcha starin' at Tamaki?" The blond asked as he appeared from nowhere. I nearly hit the wall out of fright.
"N-nothing" I responded in a hushed tone. I glanced back at the girl to make sure her attention was elsewhere.
"I wouldn't call that nothing. You know you could just ask Y/N to make something for you too. She's doing it for everyone else anyways so I'm sure she wouldn't mind" Miro pointed out bluntly.
I looked back over to the (h/c) girl who was making holograms of various animals and flowers upon students requests.
"Yeah! She's our friend so I don't think she would mind at all!" Nejire piped in as she shoved me towards her.
Eeek! So close! The (e/c) orbs immediately landed on me. "Hey Tamaki! Did you want to request something?" Y/N asked in one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard.
I glanced back at the duo who shoved me into this disastrous situation. They simply smiled and gave me a thumbs up before returning to their lunch table.
"Oh! Uh y-yeah... c-could you make a b-butterfly?" I managed to stammer in a low whisper. "If you wouldn't mind of c-course!" I quickly added in a louder volume.
She hummed in response and thought about it. "I've already done a butterfly today. Would a moth be okay for you instead? I promise it will be a pretty one!" She beamed.
I nodded quickly. I rubbed the sides of my arms to try to calm myself down as she spun around on the bench seat to face me.
The trickling light from outside hit her skin perfectly. She cupped her hands as a clear wisp started to form. Within a few seconds a full formed moth fluttered like it was real in her hands.
"A-a Luna m-moth?! It's so pretty a-and perfect!" I gasped in disbelief. I had only seen one in a butterfly and moth showcase a long time ago. It was a perfect replica.
"I know! Luna moths are just so gorgeous" she paused to breathe. Her eyelashes fluttered as if she was just reminded of a bittersweet memory.
"Too bad they only last three days" we sighed in unison. We simultaneously looked up in surprise at the other.
Her eyes lit up immediately. "You know that too! Wow, I thought I was the only one who knew that!" She beamed. "You're so cool!" She added while a sweet smile had placed itself on her face. It was honestly too much.

-Y/N's POV-

The dark haired male fainted when you started to compliment him. Luckily you were close enough to catch him.
He's a lot more muscular than I thought, you observed as you tried to balance the passed out male.
"What happened?" Nejire asked as she hurried over along with Miro.
"I'm not too sure. We were talking about Luna moths and I complimented him and he just kind of fainted" you rushed to explain.
Miro whispered something to Nejire before speaking in a volume you could hear. "He's probably not feeling well. Let's take him to the infirmary" he suggested. With a quick nod you and the duo left for the infirmary.

~Time skip~

-Tamaki's POV-

I awoke to the smell of strong sterilizer and clean fabric. I rubbed my eyes as the light filtered through the curtains. I instantly registered where I was. The infirmary...Again?
The light flashed gently outside the curtain. With a small tug I pulled back the curtains. Happiness swelled within me as I saw the silvery wings fluttering around.
"A Zebra Longwing?" I asked in awe as the soft glowing replica flitted around the room.
"I tried to make it the best I could. I know you like them so I thought it would make you feel better" a sweet voice spoke as the butterfly flew back to the owner.
Y/N sat up from her chair and strode towards me. Panic instantly filled my chest becoming a crushing weight against my lungs.
I twiddled my thumbs and picked at the blanket when she stood by my side. She motioned for me to move over. I didn't have the courage to say no.
"Hold out your hands" she asked gently. I complied shakily. She brushed my hand as gently placed an object in my cupped hands. I about dropped it out of nervousness.
She uncovered my hands to reveal a thick bracelet. "It was originally mine, but I thought you would need it more than I would. It has a chamber to put in a calming and a stress relief oil" she spoke as she pointed at it. "See. It has a little cap where you can pour the oil in. It has tiny holes in that release it whenever you press this little button" she explained while showing me everything.
She pulled out a little bottle of clear liquid and folded my hand on top of it. "B-but I c-can't take it. It's y-yours-" I tried to argue back but was interrupted by the insistent girl.
"I know! I'm giving it to you as a gift so keep it. And when it runs out just tell me and I'll get you more" she beamed. It was another heart fluttering smile.
"W-why?" I barely managed to stammer out.
"Because you're my friend and I care about you" Y/N asserted firmly. She checked her watch and panicked slightly. "I gotta go. Get well soon!" She wished me and rushed out the door.
The room became instantly lonely without Y/N's presence. Anxiety nibbled at my nerves. I glanced at the bracelet that the (h/c) girl just gave me.
I gently pressed the button on the black plastic bracelet and inhaled the scent. It smells... just like Y/N, I thought as I smiled to myself.

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