Hitoshi Shinsou-Dreams

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Quirk: Lucid Dream- Users quirk allows them to make anyone they touch instantly fall asleep. User can also see and interact in the dreams of anyone within a large radius.
Drawbacks- User doesn't get much sleep if they continuously use their quirk too much.

Word count: 3,052

-Shinsou's POV-

"Whats her name?" The (h/l) (h/c) haired girl asked pointing to the small black fluffy creature. The fluffy ball meowed and purred quietly in my lap.
"I just call her Shadow. It's kind of lame, but I see her alot here" I told her. She bent down to pet the cat as well.
"Yeah, sounds a bit generic" she punched my shoulder lightly. "But who doesn't like a bit of generic. I mean look at us, class 1-C of the general department" she added and motioned to the dorms behind us.
"That doesn't hurt at all Y/N" I responded sarcastically. She just rolled her (e/c) eyes at me. She placed her soft hand on top of my head and ruffled my hair. I almost felt disappointed when she placed her hand back to her side.
"I was referring mainly to myself, thank you very much," she retorted. "Not all of us have amazing quirks like you Shinsou" she added with a sigh.
Y/N had been a great friend of mine since middle school when we went to the same school and managed to run into each other during lunch. She was a bit odd but I liked that about her. We maintained contact through text but after seventh grade we didn't see each other again until our freshman year at UA high school.
Unfortunately Y/N had run into the same problem I had. Neither of our quirks affected robots. We were fortunately shoved into the general department class 1-C together.
"You have a cool quirk too Y/N. Too bad the entrance exams were against those stupid machines" I comented with a hint of annoyance in my voice.
She nodded and looked at her phone. "It's already 10:36 Shinsou. Let's head inside before we get in trouble" Y/N suggested.
Since it was Y/N that asked I agreed to go inside. Of course not without an extra pet of my furry friend.
An awkward elevator ride later and she waved me as she hopped off. "Night Shinsou!" She chirped and bounded off to her room. I felt my chest bubble a bit.
She's so cute even when she doesn't try to be. Maybe I should tell her. I knew I liked Y/N a lot, but a confession? I'd rather not be rejected and put in a bad spot. I valued our friendship over my feelings for her.
"How'd I get myself into this mess?" I groaned as I pushed open my door and closed it behind me. Maybe it was the way Y/N talked so kindly to others or her signature smile when she was genuinely happy. Perhaps the way she took an interest in anything I had to say or when she stands up for me when I'm being harassed because of my quirk.
I tried to push it all out of my mind. I changed really quick into a pair of baggy pants and my favorite cat hoodie. I flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
I waited for my recurring nightmare to begin. Tossing and turning till the world fell black.

-Y/N's POV-

That was close! To close! Your mind panicking as you recall almost grabbing Shinsou's hand during your elevator ride and ruffling his silky hair earlier. You felt so embarrassed you barely said goodnight and rushed to your room.
You changed and propped yourself up against the wall on your bed. You sighed. Another night, another chaotic peek at everyone's craziness. You didn't necessarily hate your quirk it was just the fact that you had access to the weirdness of others' dreams and had hardly any dreams of your own.
You weren't feeling tired yet so you activated your quirk to see who was asleep already. The dream realm you were stuck in was filled with rows and rows of doors. Everyone within a several mile radius which practically included all of the students and several of the schools staff members. The doors signs had the persons name on it and a sign that either said "Awake" or "Dreaming" according to the owner's condition.
Looks like the usual... wait, Shinso is asleep? You hadn't visited his dreams since the seventh grade. It almost felt like crossing an invisible boundary that shouldn't be crossed the one time you had visited him in his dreams. Dreams were often the real desires or memories of a person.
You tried your best not to stumble into anything personal when someone was dreaming. Fortunately most didn't notice you when you watched them since you could shift your form. It helped you feel more connected to people who you were distant towards in the world of waking.
You reach for the door knob. With a rush of courage you flung the door open. Oh no, Shinsou! Your thoughts rushed to your mind as you see the familiar purple haired boy getting beaten mercilessly by other teenagers much bigger than him.
You rushed to your friends' side and unleashed your own attacks right back at his offenders. The ones you hit poofed into nothingness and while the others scurried off while quaking in fear.
"You alright Hitoshi?" You quickly ask as you check his wounds. The amount of detail almost made you forget that this was just a dream.
Obviously you didn't want to get caught sneaking into his dream without any permission. Using our quirk you summoned Recovery Girl to make him feel better and to trick his mind to make it seem like you were a figment of his imagination. It was always interesting to you the way that the human mind works when dreaming.
He seemed to buy it as he let her heal him. His mind changed the setting instantly while taking you with it. You were back outside like you were earlier in the evening. Several cats walked around and rubbed against your legs.
"If only that had really happened. I just love reliving that nightmare over and over" he stated sarcastically. He sat down and patted the ground for you to sit next to him. "Thanks for saving me I guess. Too bad you're not the real Y/N. She would have done the exact same thing" he added with a sweet smile. Shinsou rarely smiled, but anytime he did so it made your heart flutter.
You decided to accept his offer and sit down next to him. "You should smile more. Y/N would like it" you suggested. "I would talk to her about your nightmares when you wake up. She might be able to help you" you added trying to keep your cover from being exposed but still make it so you were helping him.
"Smiling wouldn't be the problem but talking to Y/N? What if she saw my nightmare? She would be so worried about me and I don't want her to do that" he spoke softly while laying his face in his arms. It was true, you were worried about him, but you already knew about his past so why was he worried about that?
"Well she obviously knows what you're struggling with so why not let her help you?" You respond as you wrapped an arm around him. "You know she cares for you, right?" You pointed out.
He lifted his head. Slowly he nodded and back to the ground. "Y-yeah, I guess you're right" he responded awkwardly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
You were abruptly thrown out of the dream realm. Staring at the opposite wall in utter confusion. Why'd he wake up? Does that mean he's coming here?!
You panicked as you tried to clean up your room in the short amount of time it took for Shinso to arrive in front of your door.
A small knock spooked you as you shoved your dirty clothes that had been laying on the floor into your basket.
"She's probably asleep. I should just head back" you heard the deep monotone voice comment on the other side of the door.
"Hey Shinsou! What's up?" You say as you threw open the door. The tired male looked at you in surprise. The surprise quickly faded into a look of embarrassment as he placed his hand on the back of his neck.
"Hey Y/N. I have a favor to ask you" he paused. "Well that's if you don't mind, of course," he added. He was never one to ask favors so this excited you that he actually came to you with his problems.
"Sure! Come in!" You chirp as you waved him to enter your room.

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