T w e n t y - t w o

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Currently Jack, Beth, Ella and myself are all sitting in Ella's living room watching a movie the night before the Summer Splash. Were onto our second movie of the evening and Ellas all curled up right against me. I smile looking down at how peaceful and adorable she is. Her head is against my chest and her eyes are closed feeling her breathes softly against my chest in sync with my own.

She looks absolutely beautiful. Her hair falls into her face slightly, so I move my hand slowly to making sure I don't wake her up, pushing her hair out of her face and putting it behind her ear. Smiling I lean down a little and kiss her forehead softly before turning my attention back to the movie.


The next morning Jack and I jump awake to the sound of 'Summer Love' by Ollhage and Bella Eysée, all while Ella and Beth are dancing about. Beth then greets us and we have a quick enjoyable breakfast before being kicked out so the girls can get ready for the party later.

Jack and I decide to get ready for the Summer Splash at my place and head over. Before going into my closet to grab out some clothes I receive a text from Beth telling me that the colour of Ella's outfit is a pale pink. Smiling I think of the perfect shorts and top combo to wear.

I grab out my pale pink board shorts and a navy blue tanktop that shows off my shoulder tattoo, while Jack puts on some white cargo pants and a pale pink polo shirt. It doesn't take us too long to get ready so once we are we decide to play some video games before heading out to get the girls.

"So um Jack, I kinda want to ask Ella to be my girlfriend but I have no idea how to do it," I say to him once were all ready.

"I have the perfect idea," He tells me and then whispers into my ear how I should ask her.

"Thats perfect, I can't believe that I didn't think of that," I respond face palming myself.


20 minutes later and we are out the door to go get Ella and Beth to head over to Abbys place. Once we get back over to Ellas cottage Jack rings the bell and Beth opens the door. She calls for Ella and the nerves of asking her to be my girlfriend later on this evening finally set in, but at the same time I'm really excited to ask her.

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