F o u r

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A few hours later, everyone gathered around the fire laughing and smiling. Before the sun went down Beth and I took some photos with sparklers, now were sitting on a log roasting marshmallows ignoring everyone else and just telling each other stories from the past 10 months that we haven't told each other yet.

It's then I can sense someone sits down beside me, I look over and the mesmerizing green eyes looking back at me.

"What do you want," I say.

"Can't I just sit here E-squared," he comments back.

"No, you can't, and you know calling me E-squared is something that I don't appreciate. I have a name."

"I know you do but calling you E-squared is better."

"Whatever," I respond, rolling my eyes, giving my attention back to Beth and the marshmallow that's on my stick. Daniel doesn't leave; Instead, he takes my marshmallow and puts it in his mouth.

"Hey that was mine," I state annoyed.

"Oh, do you want it back?" He asks opening his mouth and showing me the mushed marshmallow that's already half eaten.

"No," I tell him while I get up to go get another marshmallow I sense him getting up to follow me. Getting to the table, I ignore him and just grab another marshmallow, making sure this time I avoid walking into him and go back to Beth. Getting back to her this time, Daniel isn't following me.

"What was that all about?" Beth asks me when I get back to her.

"Who knows, revenge for bumping into him earlier," I respond shrugging.

"I don't think so, he seemed to try very hard to get under your skin."

"At this point I don't care."

"Sure you don't," Beth says while rolling her eyes. Not wanting to talk about it anymore, I just drop the subject and focus on making sure that my new marshmallows don't burn in the fire.


By the time my dad decides that we should leave before the fire dies down and before it gets too dark. I say goodbye to Beth since I know she's going back to her cottage tonight and head out with my parents.

When we get home, I walk upstairs to my loft and go into my bathroom to take off the little makeup I had on. I change into my pjs and lie down in my bed, scrolling through the photos that Beth took of me.

My eyes drift so I decide that I should plug my phone in and go to sleep. Tomorrow is the first day that I get to spend here. Beth and I decided that we should have a beach day and just be beach bums, meaning for me I get to bring us books.


Waking up the next morning to it filling our entire cottage with the aroma of made pancakes and fresh strawberries. Getting out of bed, I grab my robe, pressing my bare-feet on the cold floor and rush downstairs before my dad eats all the pancakes.

"Good morning," I tell my parents when I see them.

"Good morning, Ella," both my parents tell me once they see me emerge from upstairs.

Grabbing a plate I grab four pancakes and put strawberries on top before pouring syrup all over.

"How d'you sleep Ella?" My dad asks from behind his paper.

"It was good. I missed the fresh air and the sounds of the crickets outside while I slept." My dad nods in response and I just dig into my pancakes.

"Hey, can Beth and I use the beach and the sea-doos today?" I ask my parents.

"I don't see a problem with it," my mom says, looking over to my dad.

"I don't either," my dad agrees.

"Thank you," I tell both of my parents before finishing up my pancakes and putting my plate in the sink. Rushing upstairs to get ready, I go straight into my closet to find all of my bathing suits. Digging through them I couldn't find the one I was looking for but then I found the perfect one, pulling out a light turquoise bikini top and the matching bottoms I go straight into my bathroom to get changed and ready for the day.

Once changed I walk back into my closet to find a good coverall that matches. I find one and go straight to my bookshelf picking the two books that I want to read this week and another book I know Beth would like if she wanted to read with me.

"Ella, Beth's here," my mom calls from downstairs.

"Coming," I respond, putting the books in my beach bag before heading downstairs.

"Good morning Girly, you ready for our beach day?" Beth says once she seems me.

"You bet," I tell her.

"Have fun girls," my mom calls after us while we leave.

Beth and I walk towards the docks and get onto the sea-doos to bring them to the beach. We undock them and ride them right towards the beach. Once at the beach, we pull them up and go up to grab some beach chairs.

Lying down on the beach chairs, I pull out the first book that I wanted to read.

"I don't get why you have to bring a book with you everywhere you go," Beth says.

"Reading helps the brain and brings you greater knowledge."

"You're such a dork," Beth tells me. In response, I just stick my tongue out at her. A few moments of silence later there's a loud motor sound on the lake. Beth and I look up and towards the lake. I see the dark almost black hair mop that caught my attention last night and who gets under my skin oh so.

Watching as he causes the water gets rough and jumps over them with the sea-doo he rides. Watching with intrigue why he's doing what he's doing, I put the book down and watch him. 

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