T h r e e

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By the time Beth and I get off the sea-doos it's time to get ready for the bonfire. While I do my hair, Beth decided that it would be a great idea to raid my closet to find some cute outfits for us to wear.  With my hair I curled it into loose beach curls since it's my favourite hairstyle to while here.

"What about this?" Beth asks as she holds up a simple dark green tank top, a pair of my jean shorts, and my white belt.

"It's perfect," I beam taking it from her and heading back into the bathroom. Putting on the outfit that Beth picked out made me feel cute something I never felt when at home. Walking out of the bathroom, I see that Beth has also changed into a cute white crop top and light pink skirt with white sandals to match.

"Dang Beth, you look good," I tell her.

"Speak for yourself, you look so cute Ella, what shoes were you thinking?"

"I was kinda thinking on wearing my white vans."

"Those would be perfect."

I smile and nod going into my closet to find them. Once finding them I slip them on and we head out. My parents are waiting for us downstairs in the kitchen and when they see us they get up. The four of us head over to the dock where our boat and sea-doos are, and all get onto the boat.  My mom helps my dad get us undocked and we head out to the bonfire.

It isn't a very far boat ride, just across Beaconsfield lake. By the time we get there the food is ready and the rest of the teenagers have gathered up in one area of the Anderson's property. Beth and I walk over to the rest of the teenagers before getting some food.

"Hey Abby," I say when we see her.

"Hey Ella, Hey Beth," she responds.

"Great turnout this year," Beth comments.

"Yeah, have you guys met Daniel yet?" Abby asks us.

"Who's Daniel?" I question.

"He's the new kid," Abby tells us.

"No, we haven't yet." Beth lets her know.

"Okay, well have fun guys I will go say hello to everyone else. I'll catch you guys later, right?"

"Yeah you will," Beth and I say at the same time.  Once Abby walks away from us, Beth and I head towards the food, one of our favourite parts about the entire summer.  Mr. Anderson owns a restaurant and his bonfire food is always the best, nothing ever competes to it.

When getting to the food tables, we see hot dogs and hamburgers like always and then some fancy side dishes.  Beth and I take a hot dog each and head over to find a seat somewhere. We take a while to find a seat but when we do its right by the fire.


A few hours pass, Beth and I are talking to everyone and enjoying ourselves. I'm walking to find the bathroom and suddenly I bump into someone.

"Hey watch where you're going," I hear the person say.

"I'm sorry," I respond.

"You better be." At this point, the person I bumped into was getting onto my nerves and I look up. Looking up at the person I bumped into, I'm surprised. He has green eyes that remind me of a pine tree like in the forest that surrounds us, his dark brown hair that reminds me of the night sky.

"You going to say something weirdo," he says.

"Uh, uh."

"What's your name weirdo."

"Ella Erwin," I get out.

"Well E-squared why don't you get out of my way so I can enjoy the rest of this party."

"W-what's your name," I stutter out.

"Daniel," he says straight forward.  Once he tells me his name, I put my head down and move out of his way too scared to say something else. He walks away without another word to me and I just stand there confused at the encounter that just happened. I take a few seconds before I remember what I was about to do, but at this point I don't need to use the bathroom anymore.

Walking back to find Beth was a little more difficult that I imagined it would be, seeing as though she didn't stay where she said she would wait which is not a big surprise since that girl is a major social butterfly.

I scour the entire party before finding her talking to Abby and Daniel, I almost make my breakaway in avoiding Daniel but before I get the chance Beth sees me and calls me over.

"Hey Ella, have you met Daniel yet?"


"Hello E-squared," I hear him say.

"Oh great so you guys know each other," Beth comments, while I just try to find the courage to say something.

"E-squared here bumped into me not too long ago," Daniel explains, I just blushed profusely trying to avoid eye contact with everyone that's around me. Beth shoves me in the side, which is her for 'look up and talk, he's cute'.

Looking up, I make quick eye contact with Daniel admiring his green eyes once again before Abby asks a question.

"So where do you live Daniel?"

"I live in Hivewood."

"That's cool, my dads always wanted to visit there," I pipe in.  Everyone looks at me once I finish my comment, causing my cheeks to burn up from being the centre of attention even if it's cause I spoke.

"It's a mucky place," Daniel explains.

"Why do you say that?" Beth questions.

"It's soooooo boring, there's nothing to do there and everyone is so stuck up."

Abby and Beth talk to Daniel and try to get to know him better whereas I just stand there and avoid any looks he's giving me.

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