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Last day of school, my second favourite day of the entire year.  Today meant that tomorrow we would pack up and be heading to my most favourite place on the entire planet. My second home. Sitting in my final class of the year, with my dad as my teacher patiently waiting for the final bell of the year, my skin itching to get out of this stuffy room with all the kids that barely know I exist. Staring at the clock that's just to the right of my dad's head, barely paying attention to him talking about this summer's reading.  I know he knows I'm not listening to him but I also know he won't call me out on it.

Just as my dad is about to say another word, the final bell rings. Everyone lets out an excited sigh and packs up their stuff in a hurry to start their summer vacation off right.  I stay in my seat patiently waiting for everyone else to leave, not wanting to be stuck in the school's entire rush trying to leave all at once. 

"You all packed already, Ella?" I hear my dad ask. I just nod in response feeling the  excitement overwhelm me from really responding.

"Good, we leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"I know dad six am his departure time and seven am stopped at Starbucks for breakfast time," I respond, knowing our routine all too well.  It was etched into my brain like Romeo and Juliet. My dad just smiles his typical small smile and chuckles.

"You better get your stuff from your locker, looks like the crowd has died down."  I nod and pick up my books heading out of his classroom door.  Walking to my locker I can't help but feeling excited,  I have been counting down the days until I get to go back, to feeling the water against my skin and my feet sinking into the sand. By the time I make it to my locker the entire hall is clear and all the students are heading out to get ready for the yearly bonfire that happens at the beach near the school, I happen to always decide against going since it apparently lasts till past midnight and ya girl needs her sleep.

Skipping my way down the hall to my mom's office, I recall all the memories from last year at the cottage. Every year the Anderson family has a summer kick off bonfire at their place, according to my parents their family has been doing it for years, before I was even born. It's a chance for everyone to reconnect before we start all the summer fun.  Our lake is a very close group of people were like one big family all coming from different backgrounds and stories.  My best friend Bethany (but everyone calls her Beth) and I met at this bonfire when we were five, and  coincidentally we share the same birthday. 

When I get to my mom's office, my dad is already there waiting for me.  They see me and the three of us head out to my dad's car. Being invisible at the school has its perks, one being that no one notices that I come here with my parents every day or that I don't even have a car yet.

"You excited for tomorrow, Ella?" My mom asks.

"Yes, I can't wait to see Beth and everyone else," I respond to her beaming.

"I heard from Mr. Green that there's a new family going to be there this year," my dad pipes in.

"Oh, I wonder what they're like," my mom comments.

My parents make up these weird theories of the new family, and I just tune them out watching the scenery go by my window.  By the time we get home, I'm itching to get out of the car and triple check that I have everything packed.  Getting into my room, you see my three suitcases neat in a row. Smiling, I grab my checklist from my desk and make sure I have everything.


A few hours passed by before I even realized it, but I had everything that I knew I needed.  One suitcase filled with clothes and shoes, another filled with books and the last one filled with all of my other stuff that I can't live without.

Sitting on my bed reading my most current read by my favourite author, I hear my parents calling me from downstairs for dinner. Putting my book down, I skip downstairs to get my last meal at home. Getting downstairs, I instantly smell my dad's amazing spaghetti. Smiling, I grab my plate and sit down at the kitchen table, waiting for my parents to sit down with me.

Once we finish eating, my parents clean up while I head back upstairs to my room to watch some Netflix on my TV. Sitting down on my bed I grab the remote from my nightstand and turn my tv directly onto Netflix, flipping through all of my options I finally decide to re-watch Glee since nothing else was catching my attention.

Tired of sitting, I lay down attempting to focus on my TV but lost in thought of what will happen this summer. I had a superb feeling about this summer, but I don't really know why.  My phone buzzes beside me on my nightstand and I grab it instantly knowing who it is.

Unlocking my phone I see that Beth has texted me, smiling out of excitement I open it instantly.

Her: Hey, girly can't wait to see you tomorrow I'm so excited.

Me: Me too, I miss you so much.  Did you hear about the new family coming this year?

Her: Yeah, apparently they have a son that's our age.

Me: Oh? You gonna try to get him to fall for you lol

Her: Nope this year ya girl is a taken girl

Me: OMG, how dare you not tell meeeeeeee

Her: Sorry, I'll tell you all about him tomorrow at the bonfire, he may come up some days this summer too.

Me: Okay, you're forgiven, see you tomorrow 😘

Her: See you tomorrow 😘♡

Smiling at my phone before shutting it off, I get to see my best friend tomorrow and I can not be more excited to.  I close my eyes letting sleep take me over knowing very well that I'll be dreaming of the cottage tonight.

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