E i g h t e e n

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Waking up the next morning I have a huge smile on my face at the fact that Jack and Daniel both have to dress up like Beth and I, for the entire day. I walk into my closet and get dressed but also pick out an outfit for Daniel to wear. I pick out an off the shoulder white flowing top and a floral yellow stretchy skirt for him to wear. Smiling at my outfit pick I walk downstairs and out to the boat house to get on a sea-doo so I can deliver Daniel his outfit for the day.

Getting up to the large house I instantly get nervous and almost felt like not giving him the outfit with how intimidating the house looked, but I drove the sea-doo onto his docks and walked up to the large house.

When I walk up I already see Daniel sitting outside in just a pair of shorts. His back is faced towards me so I can easily see his tattoo on his right shoulder, which looks really good on him although I still am a little curious as to if there is a meaning to it or not.

"Hey," I call out nervously, he instantly turns around to face me giving me a small smile.

"I have your outfit," I say holding up the folded clothes.

"Ugh don't remind me," He says teasingly. I laugh a little and walk up closer to him to hand him over the outfit.

"You're going to want to wear some white shoes with this," I tell him before he walks off to get changed.

Not even a minute later Daniel comes back outside dressed in the lovely outfit and a very annoyed look on his face.

"What the fuck are you making me wear," he says to me really annoyed.

"An outfit, a bet is a bet mister," I respond smiling at how ridiculous he looks.


"Come on, we have to go meet up with Beth and Jack," I say grabbing at his wrist to pull him to the sea-doo.

"I don't want to though, I look ridiculous."

"Get over it princess."

We get onto the sea-doo, Daniel lets me drive since he's in a skirt and doesn't feel comfortable sitting in the front. I shrug and drive us over to Beth's cottage so we can see our friends and what Jack has to wear for the day.


When we get there Beth and Jack are already sitting outside waiting for us, I instantly burst out laughing at how ridiculous Jack looks in a floral, black dress. Daniel gets off the sea-doo and takes one look at Jack before bursting out in laughter.

"Dude you look worse than me," Daniel manages to get out in between laughs.

"Whatever dude," Jack responds rolling his eyes.

I stand next to Beth and we look at each other smiling at our nice job of coordinating the boys and what we have planned for today.

"Alrighty boys lets get onto the boat," Beth says smirking.

"Uh why?" Jack and Daniel ask at the same time.

"Well you see boys, we didn't want to be the only ones that got to see you in your amazing outfits, and we thought it'd be only fitting to go on a little adventure today," I explain smirking beside Beth.

"There is no way in hell I'm letting anyone see me dressed like this," Daniel says moving his hands around his body.

"I agree with him," Jack responds pointing over to Daniel.

"Come on boys, it'll be fun," Beth and I say giving them a pouting look. Jack and Daniel look at one another then reluctantly start walking over towards the boat. Beth and I smile in victory as we walk behind them

Once we are all on the boat, Beth sits in the drivers seat and heads towards the semi busy but small lake mall that we have.


When we get to the mall Wares on the Water, Daniel and Jack let out a sigh of annoyance. Beth and I grin at how annoyed the boys seem. Getting off the boat we decide to instantly walk to the Starbucks, since Beth and I hadn't had any at all this summer. Walking in everyone just turns their heads to Jack and Daniel at giving them weird looks. Beth and I just try to hold in our laughter while Daniel and Jack just look like they are ready to die from embarrassment.

The four of us walk up to the counter to order our drinks, Beth decides to get a Strawberry Açai Refresher, while I get my usual Caramel Frappe. As I was about to pay Daniel steps in front of me to give the person taking our order the money. I look at him like he didn't have to do that but he just gives me a small smile in return.

Beth, Jack and I walk over to where we get our drinks Daniel hangs back at the cash for a second talking to the person who took our order. We all look at him confused as to why he was still over there.

"Everything okay?" I ask him when he gets over to us.

"Yeah, everything's good," he responds nonchalantly. I look at him a little confused but decide to brush it off.

Beth gets her drink first and right after mine comes out. I put my straw in and take a sip. I hear Beth gasp all of a sudden and I look over at her confused. She points to my cup and in neat hand writing is written "Would you go on a date with me E-Squared?" I look over at Daniel and he gives me a sheepish smile.

"Yes I'll go on a date with you dork," I respond smiling widely.

He lets out a sigh of relief and I let out a small giggle. All of a sudden Beth pulls me a side.

"I frickin told you he liked you Ella," Beth starts letting out a little squeal.

"Yeah yeah Beth you were right."

"Aren't I always right when it comes to boys?"

"Yes that's very true." 

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